Monthly Archives: October 2006

Gracie update

She’s at the vet’s, probably with an IV in her little paw. She got sick several times during the night, and is exhausted and bedraggled. The vet is taking bloodwork. She’s concerned that Gracie is at the age where things … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 9 Comments

The Human Wrongs Council

How bad is the new UN Human Rights Council? Bad enough that even the WaPo has noticed how much it sucks. (HT: The Doctor.) When the Human Rights Council was approved by the General Assembly in March, we were among … Continue reading

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Watching and worrying

Gracie isn’t getting any better. She is sleeping the sleep of the sick and exhausted, and I am trying to hold on and not bring her into the emergency vet for “observation” overnight (at a cost of $500-600). Sorry, I … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 5 Comments

Shire Network News, Robert Spencer edition

I didn’t make the deadline, but Tom Paine got Robert Spencer to talk about his new book, “The Truth About Mohammed.” I missed the deadline due to being up half the night with a sick cat. Gracie isn’t feeling well, … Continue reading

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Ambition shines bright in Iran. Up to a point.

Robert Tait of The Observer sometimes produces interesting articles about Iran and its frequently ugly reality of religious and political oppression. This time, however, he has chosen a light and playful approach. Two different persons, both looking for success in … Continue reading

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The AP finally gives up on “moderation”

Lookie, lookie. The AP has finally discovered what we’ve been saying for years: Hamas will never moderate. GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip Oct 14, 2006 (AP)— The U.S. government and Hamas agree on at least one point: More than half a … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 2 Comments

Random kitchen thought

A tip for you all: If you ever drop a box of toothpicks, make sure you find them all. Half an inch of pointed, wooden toothpick in the ball of your foot is a very unpleasant experience.

Posted in Meanderings | 8 Comments

Wafa Sultan: You go, girl

There are many who say that Wafa Sultan has very little influence in the Muslim world because she is a woman, and an apostate. I would venture to say they are misinformed. Since then, she has been banned by the … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 1 Comment

Smaller? I will show you smaller!

“You will not use this word anymore when you see the glorious wrath of the Songun science and industry that will find its apocalyptic pinnacle in my next deed, the deed that will show the whole world what a peerlessly … Continue reading

Posted in Satire, World | 3 Comments

The Wall of Death

It has to be a good thing when the enemy names an object of yours “The Wall of Death.” Security forces on Tuesday night killed a terrorist who tried to infiltrate Israel from the northern Gaza Strip with an explosive … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Terrorism | 3 Comments

Condi goes LLL

Condi Rice has learned LLLeftyspeak: “The Palestinian people deserve a better life, a life that is rooted in liberty, democracy, uncompromised by violence and terrorism, unburdened by corruption and misrule and forever free of the daily humiliation of occupation,” she … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 7 Comments

The priorities of the United Nations

So let’s see if we can track the UN’s thinking for now. U.N. Disagrees on Sanctions Against Iran VIENNA, Austria Oct 11, 2006 (AP)— The five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council agreed Wednesday to start working on U.N. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, World | Comments Off on The priorities of the United Nations

The face of treason

The first treason charge in the U.S. in 54 years has been initiated for Adam Gadahn, the American Al Qaeda traitor. WASHINGTON, Oct. 11, 2006 — Adam Gadahn, a former resident of Orange County, Calif., turned propagandist for al Qaeda … Continue reading

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Random happy thoughts

Yesterday at work, we had a neat little fair on the patio by the cafeteria. The weather was amazing: 80s, sunny, and beautiful. There was cotton candy, popcorn, cake, free stuff, and a “money tent.” The money tent was this … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 2 Comments

Spin, spin, spin

The AP has recognized that Hamas won’t recognize Israel, but has yet to recognize that it is the key to the failure of the unity government. (Okay, the AP is actually pretending that Hamas may someday, possibly, could, in a … Continue reading

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