… and some Israelis are just plain nuts.

When I say “Israeli” and “nuts” who’s the first name that comes to mind?

I’d think after you get past the Arab members of the Knesset and a few imams holding citizenship in one pocket and hate-speeches in the other, I’d think “Uri Geller” would come high on that list:

Did a clairvoyant help U.S. commandos ferret Saddam Hussein out of his hiding place in Iraq three years ago?

Israeli-born celebrity psychic Uri Geller, best known for his spoon-bending antics, says the power of the paranormal led U.S. troops to the fugitive Iraqi ex-dictator.

“You remember when they found Saddam Hussein in Iraq? A soldier walked over to a rock, lifted it and then found a trap-door and found him in there,” Geller told Reuters.

“Well, I know that that soldier walked over to that rock because he got information from a ‘remote viewer’ from the United States.”

Yeah, just follow the trail of bent spoons, Uri.

About Laurence Simon

I'm a thirty-something dataschmuck in Houston, TX. I spend my free time grilling, baking, playing with cats, and trying to invent the Tequila Sunset.
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3 Responses to … and some Israelis are just plain nuts.

  1. Walter E. Wallis says:

    And to think that government money has been paid for remote viewing studies.

  2. chsw says:

    I guess it has beebeen a long time between bookings for Uri Geller.


  3. Ted says:

    If you ever listen to ‘coast-to-coast’ you will notice the remote viewers can never seem to figure out who will win the World Series or an election or any sort of thing that can be verified after the fact.

    Uri Geller did win a lawsuit against James Rani. So much for the ‘objectivity’ of our American legal system.

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