Yes, Halutz better go. Quietly, if possible.

IDF chief rejects findings of kidnapping probe, is one of the headlines today in Haaretz.

Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Dan Halutz rejected on Sunday significant parts of the findings of one of the committees that he himself appointed to investigate the army’s conduct during the Lebanon war.

The whole discussion could have stopped here and now and we could proceed to a satisfactory bout of name calling, but it gets much worse:

Its findings were sharply critical of IDF activity at all levels during this period, from the soldiers in the field to the General Staff. But Halutz rejected all of the criticisms aimed at officers above the level of divisional commander and demanded that Almog reexamine his findings on these issues.

This is a decision by a former commander of IAF, the part of our military known for its attention and ability to analyze its mistakes and really learning its lessons? Unbelievable. Unspeakable.

CYA – Cover Your Ass – taken to the Olympic level.

Now, when the chances for a real state commission of inquiry became nil, and the pathetic attempts of the Olmert-Halutz-Peretz troika to escape any shadow of responsibility are stinking to high heavens, the only honorable way for them is to take a quiet exit.

Go. And as soon as possible.

Cross-posted on SimplyJews

About SnoopyTheGoon

Daily job - software development. Hobbies - books, books, friends, simgle malt Scotch, lately this blogging plague. Amateur photographer, owned by 1. spouse, 2 - two grown-up (?) children and 3. two elderly cats - not necessarily in that order, it is rather fluid. Israeli.
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4 Responses to Yes, Halutz better go. Quietly, if possible.

  1. great unknown says:

    Retired Supreme Court Justice Chessin remarked recently that in Israel people continue in office after committing grossly corrupt acts; whereas years ago, they would have gone down to the beach with a gun and put a bullet in their head.

  2. I wouldn’t go so far, GU, as to say Halutz is corrupt. Unless in the sense of being corrupted by his power.

    He is just unable to face the music, and thus must be helped to make up his mind.

  3. Joel says:

    Waht a pathetic little ____ that guy is.
    Who is the biggest shmuck in Israel?
    1. Ehud Olmert
    2. Amir Peretz
    3. Tzipi Livni
    4. Dan Halutz

  4. Dania says:

    Hey, Off-topic but I love to read this blog and thought ya’all would be interested in these ties between the IslamioFascists and their money-laundering networks….

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