An interesting note about bigots

Lynn-B pointed out to me recently that if you so much as mention racism, it brings out the bigots. I have found that to be entirely true. On my Michael Richards post, I have deleted racist and anti-Semitic comments (they’re in my Freakmail folder, which I bring out from time to time to illustrate the hate in the world). We’ve even drawn a neo-Nazi troll. Poor guy. It sucks having to compensate for such a tiny brain, and such a tiny dick, by hating the Jews.

In any case: Please don’t answer the bigots, because if their comments slip through my moderation net, they will not remain for long. I decided long ago that they don’t get a platform on my weblog.

It’s time for the mantra. Say it with me, folks: Anti-Semites of the world, just die already.

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2 Responses to An interesting note about bigots

  1. cond0010 says:

    “Please don’t answer the bigots, because if their comments slip through my moderation net, they will not remain for long.”

    I’ll try not to.

    Perhaps you should get a sign the says ‘Please don’t feed the bigots (or trolls)’. Or maybe a picture, like one of these…

    Personally, I like the second better…

    Happy (Belated) Thanksgiving!

  2. Mark James says:

    Yes, they go on technorati or Google’s Blog Search and search the blogs for posts using certain terms, and then they post comments. The spammers also cruise the blogs and insert links to their sites under relavent blog posts. The spammers do it to make money while the racists are just interested in spreading their hate for whatever reason. Actually, if you have a link to a write-up that explains the phenomenon, I’d be interested.

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