The cease-fire and the olive branch: pals flip Israel the bird

So let’s see what the cease-fire and Olmert’s major concession speech have wrought:

Hamas says they’re going to kidnap more Israeli soldiers. And why wouldn’t they? Look what kidnapping Gilad Shalit has done: It’s gotten Israel to offer them a state.

Hamas politburo chief Khaled Mashaal has threatened further kidnappings of Israeli troops on Monday afternoon, according to the Hamas affiliated Palestine Info website.

Kidnappings like the abduction “done four months ago” of Gilad Shalit would go on, the report said, as part of “a bid to swap them for Palestinian detainees languishing in occupation dungeons.”

“As long as there are (Palestinian) captives, the resistance will continue to capture Zionist soldiers to exchange them for those captives who spent long years in occupation jails,” Mashaal was quoted as saying.

Yep. And oh, yeah, Hamas wants free passage in the West Bank, too. Never mind that the security forces are constantly stopping terror attacks (they got another one only last week, and found one with liquid explosives a short time ago). Sure, let them have free passage. It’s not like they want to murder Israelis or anything like that.

I hate linking WND, but Ynet keeps using them, so I’m going to assume that the stories Ynet links are legit. Because they interviewed a PRC terrorist, who said they’re using the cease-fire to rearm and reload. Color me unsurprised.

The ceasefire to which Israel and major Palestinian factions agreed yesterday will be used by Palestinian groups to smuggle weapons into Gaza, reinforce and train “fighter units,” and produce rockets for a future confrontation with the Jewish state, the leaders of the four most significant Palestinian terror groups in Gaza told WND in a series of exclusive interviews.

“The ceasefire offers a period of calm for our fighters to recover and prepare for our final goal of evacuating Palestine,” said Abu Abir, spokesman for the Popular Resistance Committees, a Hamas-allied terror organization in the Gaza Strip responsible for many of the recent rocket attacks against Israeli communities.

“We will keep fighting (Israel), but for the moment we will postpone certain parts of the military struggle,” Abu Abir said.

Ehud Olmert is the biggest disaster to hit Israel since the one-two punch of Bibi Netanyahu and Ehud Barak (can you say “Wye River Accords, Camp David 2000, and Taba”? I knew you could.).

However—and I can’t believe I’ve sunk this low—I’m ready for Bibi again. I think that at least this time, he won’t sell the farm. Someone has got to manufacture a no-confidence vote for Olmert and watch Kadima come crashing down.

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One Response to The cease-fire and the olive branch: pals flip Israel the bird

  1. Joel says:

    I agree that Netanyahu is the only Israeli politician who at least says the truth. By the way did you catch Dhimmi Carter on Larry King the other night? Carter is proof positive that the best blood of the South was lost in the Civil War.

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