Dear America: Letters from Mahmoud

Our favorite Jew-hater, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has written a letter to Americans that will be released later today. I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait!

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has written a letter to the American people that will be released at U.N. headquarters in New York on Wednesday, a state newspaper reported.

The newspaper gave no details of the letter, an apparent attempt by the firebrand president to reach out to Americans over the head of their government.

The state-run newspaper Iran reported the letter in bold type on its front page, saying “the five-page letter to the American people will be released by Iran’s representative at the United Nations today.”

I’m going to guess what it says: Blahblahblah Zionist entity, blahblahblah, arrogant president, blahblahblah Iran has no problem with Americans, we love you, it’s your leaders that we hate, blahblahblah Iran is peaceful and does not want nukes, blahblahblah, blahblahblah there was no Holocaust, blahblahblah palestinians, blahblahblah Iraq is Vietnam, blahblahblah convert or die, filthy infidels!

Whoops? How did that last bit get there?

Average Iranians were disappointed by the cold response to the May letter, the first official communication between the two countries’ presidents since the Islamic Revolution of 1979.

Earlier this month, Ahmadinejad said he was planning to write a letter to Americans.

“Many American people asked me to talk to them in order to explain the views of the Iranian people,” Ahmadinejad told reporters, referring to his visit to New York to attend the U.N. General Assembly session in September 2005.

Wow, two big whoppers in three paragraph. Number one, who asked him? I don’t know anyone who asked him to explain the views of the Iranian people. Number two, so, the average Iranian was “disappointed by the cold response to the May letter”? Yeah? Says who? The Iranian press agencies? Wow, AP reporter, good investigation techniques! Way to cite your sources!

But the AP does manage to get this right:

Ahmadinejad has alienated many Americans by calling for Israel’s destruction and repeatedly dismissing the Holocaust as a myth. He also strongly supports the Palestinian militant group Hamas and the Lebanese faction Hezbollah, which the U.S. State Department lists as terrorist organizations.

Gee. Not getting why supporting the terrorist group that murdered 241 Marines in Lebanon would piss us off.

Looking forward to reading the letter. Looking even more forward to reading the many parodies that will show up later today.

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