Monthly Archives: November 2006

Saddam Hussein, condemned and afraid

If you watch this CNN video (story here), about halfway through, between Saddam Hussein’s bluster and calls of “allahu akbar,” you can see the realization sinking in that he has been condemned to die for his crimes. He is going … Continue reading

Posted in World | 3 Comments

This week’s SNN, complete with anti-Meryl attack ad!

This week’s Shire Network News, containing the attack ad on my campaign, is now up. There’s an interview with Richard Landes, of Pallywood fame, about the recent fix on the al-Dura hoax trial in France. There’s also the attack ad … Continue reading

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Modern times, ancient race

The New York City Marathon, which of course is modeled on the ancient Marathon of Greek times, is using modern technology to keep runners’ friends and families up on exactly where the runner is as s/he passes the Marathon kilometer … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 2 Comments

In defense of Avigdor Lieberman

I could hardly believe that a day will come when I’ll have to place a header like this. Lieberman is all I detest in a person: a right-wing extremist for whom “might is right” is the credo. A political product … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | Comments Off on In defense of Avigdor Lieberman

Random music thought

Did I really, truly think that ELP was anything other than facile, puerile, pretentious pap? Just go look at the lyrics to Closer to Believing and you’ll see what I mean.

Posted in Meanderings | Comments Off on Random music thought

Another towering achievement of FSB – the shroud talks!

More than hundred years of experience (if you count FSB’s predecessors such as Okhranka, Cheka, NKVD and KGB) are not to be trifled with. After all, who else mastered to such perfection the ancient art of persuasion that requires infinite … Continue reading

Posted in Religion, Satire | 6 Comments

An attack ad on ME!

Unbelievable. I’ve barely announced my write-in candidacy for the Virginia Senate Seat when I’ve been informed that someone has bought an attack ad on the upcoming edition on Shire Network News–the one closest to the election, of course. You can … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 13 Comments

Gracie at rest

This one’s from before she got sick. She is a happy kitty, snuggled into her tissue-paper nest on the sofa. She got through the surgery fine and may be coming home tomorrow. I am washing a blanket that I intend … Continue reading

Posted in Cats, Life | 21 Comments

Hamas says: Women and children get shot first

The spin on the Gaza mosque incident will probably reach fever-pitch. Expect human rights organizations and UN condemnation—of Israel, of course. Not of Hamas, for using women as human shields to protect their terrorists. Witness the AP story: BEIT HANOUN, … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Hamas, Israel | 5 Comments

Another way to use women

No, this is not what you may think, you dirty-minded you… It is a creative idea by Gazan rocket scientists. It goes like this: First of all prepare and launch a few Qassams onto an Israeli city. In the name … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 2 Comments

Gracie update 15: Biopsy time

Gracie’s in surgery today. She’ll be out of it by the time this posts. I’m not going to find anything out until noon at least, which is my own choice. I have a job interview for a permanent position at … Continue reading

Posted in Cats, Life | 9 Comments

UN hypocrisy

So if UN Security Council Resolution 1701 calls for the unconditional release of the Israeli soldiers: … but at the same time emphasizing the need to address urgently the causes that have given rise to the current crisis, including by … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time | 2 Comments

The Reuters anti-Israel bias

This could easily go under the category of “Beating my head against the wall” (now there’s an idea for a new category!), but here we go again. Let’s look at the facts according to Reuters, and the facts as they, … Continue reading

Posted in Media Bias | 9 Comments

Attention, Virginia voters

A reminder that I am running for Senator as a write-in candidate. I have never used the word “macaca” in my entire life, because until I read about Allen saying it, I didn’t know it existed. The closest I ever … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 31 Comments

France and political correctness

France is known to be very tough where the internal security is concerned. Unlike their ministry of foreign affairs and other politicians that seem to have unlimited time and chutzpa to teach the rest of the world on subjects like … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Terrorism | 1 Comment