Monthly Archives: November 2006

Dean Esmay, hypocrite

Okay, I know, it’s just adding fuel to the fire, but y’know, they don’t call me the Master of Juvenile Scorn™ for nothing. So that big post Dean put up about my refusing to agree with him over Rabbi Kahane’s … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers, Juvenile Scorn | 11 Comments

The cease-fire that isn’t

Let’s stop and think a moment. Why were IDF troops in Gaza? Because the palestinians were launching kassam rockets every day into Sderot, the Negev, and other points in Israel. So we have a cease-fire that takes effect Sunday morning. … Continue reading

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Alexander Litvinenko (RIP) and scumbags from Indy

(I just have to start this post the same way as the previous one on the subject) . It is already five days since Alexander Litvinenko died – a slow and horrible death. And the vultures are circling, getting closer … Continue reading

Posted in Media, Politics | 5 Comments

The travesty of cease-fire

The CNN article Rockets hit Israel after Gaza cease-fire deadline illustrates exceedingly well the chances of reaching a meaningful agreement with our neighbors: Palestinian militants in Gaza launched rocket attacks into Israel Sunday, Israeli police and army officials said, hours … Continue reading

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Carnival of the Cats #140

Carnival of the Cats celebrates its 140th episode over at Scribblings, but things were running just a tad late, but it’s all up now! And let’s not forget the Catmodel of the Week… Why, it’s Mr. Jones of Allan Thinks. … Continue reading

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The fence stops terror

Via Solomonia, an interview on Terrorist TV with the leader of PIJ, who says the fence is stopping suicide bombings in Israel. On November 11, PIJ leader Abdallah Ramadan Shalah granted a long interview to Al-Manar TV, Hezbollah’s television channel. … Continue reading

Posted in Terrorism | 6 Comments

Haveil Havalim #95 is UP!

FIND OUT ABOUT: How Iran is following in the footsteps of Nazi Germany. The Bar Mitzvah boy who had to confront tragedy. The Jews of Finland. And a lot more! Check out Smooth Stone who slings Haveil Havalim #95 your … Continue reading

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This week’s Shire Network News

The feature interview in Shire Network News this week is with Egyptian Sandmonkey, who discusses the Cairo “youths” sexual attacks on women during the end of Ramadan. It was a way for them to celebrate the Eid, you see. My … Continue reading

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More on the French soccer mob pogrom

Nidra Poller has much, much more on what happened. First, from the day of the event: After carefully gathering and crosschecking every available scrap of information, this is the closest I can get to an accurate account of the chain … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | 5 Comments

Sunday catblogging

Photo One: We give you Gracie, all curled up and happy again. But wait. Her big brother knows she’s there, knows it’s comfortable, and wants to do something about it (Photo Two). Fortunately for our recovering kitty, Meryl saw Tig … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 5 Comments

When Edrogan Met Abdullah 2.0

Let me get this straight. Abdullah 2.0 is the unelected monarch of a country that has disenfranchised and denied citizenship to over half of the people born in the country, a plantation regime pulled out of Winston Churchill’s bloated ass … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Hamas violates its own truce; we are not surprised

So the truce is violated not just by Islamic Jihad, which we expected, but by Hamas’ own terrorists, which we did not. Of course, the excuse will arise that they were operating without orders, which begs the question as to … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | 1 Comment

What took them so long?

It is already four days since Alexander Litvinenko died – a slow and horrible death. And I have already started wondering why… But here it comes, no worries: Yesterday an aide to President Vladimir Putin reacted strongly to suggestions of … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Politics | 1 Comment

Terrorists call a cease-fire, Meryl scoffs

A cease-fire? I don’t believe it will hold a single day. Israel accepted a Palestinian cease-fire to go in effect Sunday morning, and will stop military operations in Gaza in return for an end to all Palestinian violence, including rocket … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel | 5 Comments

The despicable anti-Israel media spin

If I were someone who only read the headlines, boy, would I think those Israelis are the villains in these pieces. Hamas Offers Peace Talks for 6 Months Israel rejects Palestinian peace offer Meshal: Israel is to blame for lack … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel, Media Bias | 1 Comment