Monthly Archives: November 2006

Kids and dogs

So I’m on babysitting duties for Sarah, and I’ve kept the dogs imprisoned in their kennels until now, because, well, they’re a pain in the ass. Mostly John is, because he really, really, really wants me to be his best … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 5 Comments

Sending good wishes

From Cheryl, in the comments: kc needs your prayers and purrs. she is just a very young kitty, and her spaying went horribly wrong. please, PLEASE pray with us for her. if you can, join us at 8:30 EST for … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 1 Comment

French soccer mob tries to kill Jews

This article has been on my Google News page for weeks: Anti-Semitic attacks in France have dropped drastically because of a number of government initiatives, France’s prime minister claimed. “We have obtained real results” since launching a crackdown in 2002, … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel | 6 Comments

You can always tell a diplomat

But you cannot tell him/her much, it appears. Some 70 foreign diplomats visited in Sderot Thursday, to observe up close what life was like in the Qassam-battered southern town. Five rockets landed across the Western Negev throughout the day, causing … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Politics, Terrorism | Comments Off on You can always tell a diplomat

An interesting note about bigots

Lynn-B pointed out to me recently that if you so much as mention racism, it brings out the bigots. I have found that to be entirely true. On my Michael Richards post, I have deleted racist and anti-Semitic comments (they’re … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Site news | 2 Comments

Know thy enemy

I am re-reading another time the article about the uncertain fate and uncertain news of Zachary Baumel. Zachary Baumel, captured in Lebanon in 1982, turned 46 on Friday, surpassing the milestone at which he has spent more time in captivity … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 2 Comments

One reason I am thankful

It has been a long, long time since I’ve seen Gracie happily curled up in her tissue paper nest on the sofa. She did just that last night, sleeping contentedly for hours. For this, and for many other things, I … Continue reading

Posted in Cats, Holidays | 9 Comments

Thanksgiving break

Left work early, and headed to Carytown, Richmond’s shopping area for the young, the hip, the tragically chic, and the people who like spending too much money on things. Of course, since I intended to spend too much money on … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 3 Comments

The IDF goes after the rocketeers

Hamas wants Israel to evacuate Sderot in order to stop the rocket barrage. The only way to stop the regular rocket fire on Sderot, an Israeli city of about 20,000 nearly three miles from the Gaza Strip border, is for … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel | 3 Comments

UN Human Rights Commissioner ignores human rights violations

Louise Arbour, the UN Human Rights High Commissioner, actuallly WITNESSED a violation of Israeli human rights, and said nothing—absolutely nothing—condemning the palestinians’ firing rockets at civilians. “Arbour’s convoy was coming into Sderot at the time — she had spent the … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time | Comments Off on UN Human Rights Commissioner ignores human rights violations

Assassination of Litvinenko – the plot thickens

The plot was exciting to start with. Assassination attempt on a senior ex-FSB officer, in London of all places. Hints on connection to the assassination of Russian journalist, thallium, Italian informer – in short, all the elements of a robust … Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous, Politics | 1 Comment

You’re welcome, Dean

I should charge an editor’s fee for this post. It’s about my post extolling the video that uses the late Rabbi Meir Kahane’s “Open Letter to the World.” I said in that post that even though it was written by … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers, Terrorism | 34 Comments

Michael Richards Public Service Announcement

I would like to answer a question that many of you probably are asking today: No, Michael Richards is not Jewish. Michael Richards is not a Jew. As Cosmo Kramer in “Seinfeld,” Richards played one on TV. But he himself … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 14 Comments

Another bold step to the edge

Prominent anti-Syrian Christian politician Pierre Gemayel was assassinated in a suburb of Beirut on Tuesday, his party’s radio station and Lebanon’s official news agency reported. His fatal shooting will certainly heighten the political tension in Lebanon, where Hizbullah’s leading Muslim … Continue reading

Posted in Lebanon | 4 Comments

Kassam rockets: Getting deadlier

I’ve been pointing out that the kassam rockets are getting deadlier, and will continue to get deadlier, since the Philadelphi corridor is no longer patrolled by the IDF and the Egyptians turn a blind eye to smuggling. Yet another attack, … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Terrorism | 2 Comments