Monthly Archives: November 2006

Best. Video. Ever.

If you have not seen this yet, go. Now. Watch. It’s an open letter to the world, from a Jew in Israel the late Rabbi Meir Kahane. Its titles are in French, because it’s directed at the French, who have … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Juvenile Scorn | 17 Comments

Smartest cat in the world

Don’t let the sweet face and the sweet nature fool you. Gracie is the smartest damned cat in the world. This morning, we tapered down to half a Prednisone per day. I gave her the pill, which of course, she … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 8 Comments

The French find something they will shoot at: Israel

The French UNIFIL forces are insisting on pretending that they’re going to fire on IAF jets that have been overflying Lebanon. French UN anti-aircraft batteries have taken “preparatory steps” to respond to Israeli jets violating Lebanese airspace, despite global criticism … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, Lebanon | 7 Comments

My genocide vs. your genocide

The decision of France to recognize the murder of one and a half million Armenians by Turks as genocide continues to piss of the regime in Turkey. The climax was reached recently when Turkey suspended military relations with France. Most … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 3 Comments

Really depressing random birthday thought

I was just looking around for various statistics, and discovered that I am older than more than a third of the people in America. Wait. That means that I’m younger than nearly two-thirds. I feel much better now.

Posted in Meanderings | 4 Comments

Another kind of globalization

More than 700 Islamic militants from Somalia traveled to Lebanon in July to fight alongside Hezbollah in its war against Israel, a UN report says. The militia in Lebanon returned the favor by providing training and – through its patrons … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 3 Comments

Snarky briefs

The IAF flips France the bird: Not exactly shaking in their boots, IAF planes flew low over Lebanese territory in mock attack formation today. It’s practice for Round Two of the next war, which Hezbullah, Syria, and Iran are bringing … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

Israel and oil shale

Glenn Reynolds says there’s good news on oil shale, and points to an article that says the Feds have given three oil companies the go-ahead to work on shale. They should have talked to this Israeli company instead: HAIFA, Israel, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 14 Comments

Europe offers a peace plan: Same-old, same-old

Let’s see, how long before the world jumps on this peace plan? GERONA, Spain Nov 16, 2006 (AP)— Spain, France and Italy unveiled a five-point Middle East peace initiative Thursday, calling Israeli-Palestinian violence intolerable and saying that Europe must take … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, World | 3 Comments

Soundtrack trouble

So I went out last night and got the soundtrack to Requiem for a Dream, which has the music on which the music from the LOTR video was based. It seems that a bunch of musicians remixed Lux Aeterna and … Continue reading

Posted in Music | 2 Comments

The dehumanization of Israelis in the media

What’s missing from this story? JERUSALEM Nov 15, 2006 (AP)— Israel promised a punishing response to a deadly Palestinian rocket attack Wednesday near the home of the country’s defense minister. The rocket one of at least eight that struck Israel … Continue reading

Posted in Media Bias, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Now THIS is a birthday present.

Gracie ran up the stairs after I fed her today. She started, stopped, waited for me, then ran ahead so she could leap on my bed for what in the old days was her bellyrub, and is now a petting … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 6 Comments

Thank you notes

Thanks to those of you who hit my Amazon tipjar in the last few days. That was a nice birthday present. So was the news that I’ve got an interview for the permanent position that I want at Large Company … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 1 Comment

Kassam rockets kill Israeli civilian

Say, those “crude, homemade rockets” that “rarely do any damage”? They killed a woman, and cause the loss of both legs of a 24-year-old man. These people, however, have no names in the AP report. The rocket fell in the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 4 Comments

Islamists against the world

Say, that overstated Islamist threat? The New York Times quotes a UN report that says Somali Islamists fought with Hezbullah against Israel last summer. More than 700 Islamic militants from Somalia traveled to Lebanon in July to fight alongside Hezbollah … Continue reading

Posted in World | 2 Comments