Monthly Archives: November 2006

Carnival of the Cats #138

The Carnival of the Cats is back at This Blog Is Full Of Crap this week because the host who was scheduled to do it apparently had better things to do. It is a lame BlogCarnival-driven template of the links. … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 2 Comments

Haveil Havalim #93 is UP!

Haveil Havalim #93 is up at Soccer Dad. Read Kofi Annan’s love letter to the dearly departed Arafat. Check out the latest distortions about Beit Hanoun. And read news related to Kristallnacht. And a lot more! Again thanks to Meryl … Continue reading

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Have a laugh on YouTube

My brother sent me a link to a YouTube video of LOTR with Zep’s “Battle of Evermore” as the background music. (And may I say: It does NOT work.) But I found this neat video, which does work: How the … Continue reading

Posted in Humor | 7 Comments

Lebanon – a putsch is looming

Alarming news from Lebanon were not unexpected: for months various Western sources predicted an attempt by Hezbollah and its Syrian and Iranian sponsors to take over the government. And now it has started to happen. The prospect of renewed chaos … Continue reading

Posted in Lebanon, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Gracie pic, hot off the presses

Took this one a few minutes ago. The reason Miss Gracie is looking so peeved is because she hates the flash, so she’s refusing to look up. But you get a good view of her beauty spot on her shoulder. … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 2 Comments

Lair Simon, on the anniversary of Arafat’s death

I’d say this is a perfect tribute to the death of the worst mass-murderer of Jews since Hitler. Roast in hell, Arafat. You are not missed at all.

Posted in Linkfests | 2 Comments

The palestinian shell game continues

Is the game near an end? Have the terrorists managed to put together a good enough cover story that the EU is going to go back to paying terrorists while ignoring the murders their money sponsors? First, AP shills for … Continue reading

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Gracie Update 18: Hangin’ by the food dish

When I got home from synagogue tonight, Gracie was by the food dishes, rubbing against the wall, and asking for something more interesting than dry food. So she got some of her tuna-flavored Fancy Feast, and I got a great … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 3 Comments

Random kitchen thought

If one needs to open a can with a can opener, one should probably not put it in the dishwasher and then run the dishwasher before one opens the can. Just sayin’.

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Gracie update: The labs are back

It’s IBD. It’s totally treatable. And it’s only taken an extra three weeks due to sheer incompetence at the old vet’s. I have an appointment with the new vet this afternoon. I had them fax him the lab results, and … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 15 Comments

Being there for George Allen

These few words said by Virginia Republican Senator George Allen, when he conceded his defeat after the elections, will forever remain in my memory (aided by this post, of course): My friends, sometimes winds – political or otherwise – can … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 3 Comments

Dignified Tig

I promised you a picture where Tig does not look like a goofball. Here he is, looking ultra-dignified out in the sun. His ruff is wider than usual for several reasons: He was recently brushed, it had rained before he … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 2 Comments

Random philosophical thought

Have you ever notice that the more stressed out and angry you get, the stupider the world gets? I swear, my IQ must go up fifty points when I’m going through tough times.

Posted in Meanderings | 1 Comment

What media bias?

Do you know what you never see in the Washington Post? A story like this about the many victims of palestinian suicide bombs. Although the last paragraph in the quote was a surprise. “You see the sadness everywhere,” said Rawda … Continue reading

Posted in Media Bias | 4 Comments

The truce that never was

Dancing on the graves – this is the only image that comes to mind while reading the following in Globe and Mail under a headline: Truce with Israel over, Hamas says. Khaled Meshaal, the exiled political leader of Hamas, told … Continue reading

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