Monthly Archives: November 2006

Gracie update 17: Losing count of the numbers

I have not been posting daily updates because it’s been the same-old, same-old. It’s a waiting game. We haven’t got the lab results yet, except for the liver biopsy, which came back clean. And I haven’t been posting updates because … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 8 Comments

Past perfect

I was reading some old posts, looking for something to bring forward, and I noticed a few things. For instance, when I had more chatty posts (as in more posts that are chatty, not longer, more wordy posts), I had … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 2 Comments

Why the world hates Israel

I thought the Financial Times was one of the more respectiable British publications. At the very least, it doesn’t usually carry the screaming anti-Israel screeds that rags like the Guardian carry. I’ve quoted it approvingly from time to time. I’m … Continue reading

Posted in Media Bias | 9 Comments

Tummy Thursday

Because I missed Tummy Tuesday. This is the goofy Tig shot I promised you. Captions await.

Posted in Israel | 11 Comments

45 dead Sri Lankan civilians; no world condemnations

Some 50 civilians were killed in another artillery shelling today. The world is yawning. The civilians weren’t palestinians. They weren’t Iraqis. They weren’t killed by Israel. They weren’t killed by the U.S. It was just a bunch of civilians in … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time | 5 Comments

Serving tough time with teddy bears

I really like the way this sheriff thinks: BUFFALO, Mo. (AP) – Prisoners returning to a jail damaged in a failed breakout attempt will find a radically new decor – pink with blue teddy bear accents. Dallas County Sheriff Mike … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn | 1 Comment

Bush heeds the voice of the people

Donald Rumsfeld has just been fired. I say it’s about damned time. You can’t discount the fact that there is a growing chorus of military leaders who think he’s done a horrible job. And I’m not all that upset about … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 11 Comments

The civilian deaths the media ignores

Besides Israelis, that is, who never get the heartrending passages such as you can read in the AP account of the deaths in Beit Hanoun. No, I’m talking about these civilians, which include a mother of eight, shot in the … Continue reading

Posted in palestinian politics | 2 Comments

Credit where it’s due

While I would love to claim that my write-in candidacy affected the Virginia Senate race, let’s be realistic: Allen easily won rural and suburban areas, while Webb won big in vote-rich Northern Virginia. Glenda Gail Parker of Alexandria, running as … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 10 Comments

The tragedy of Beit Hanoun

A stray tank shell killed twenty two people in Beit Hanoun this night, many of the killed women and children. There is nothing but grief now in many Beit Hanoun families. The human cost of Hamas’ murderous behavior is growing. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 11 Comments

Hamas puts America on notice: You’re next

So the terrorist organization that the world insisted would moderate after being democratically elected to head the Palestinian Authority, not satisfied with having killed hundreds of Israeli civilians, is gunning for American citizens now. Why? Because the U.S. supports Israel. … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 3 Comments

Where the press has its priorities today…

My inbox just got 15% dumber: CNN: — Britney Spears files for divorce from her husband Kevin Federline, citing irreconcilable differences. KHOU: A court spokeswoman says Britney Spears has filed for divorce from rapper-dancer Kevin Federline, citing irreconcilable differences. YAHOO: … Continue reading

Posted in Media | 6 Comments

About that humanitarian disaster in Gaza…

Solomonia has a picture on his blog that makes me think that maybe, just maybe, the pals are lying about the lack of food, starvation, malnutrition, humanitarian disaster, etc., etc., etc. Because the picture is of palestinians throwing eggs at … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Media Bias | 4 Comments

The world says Israel should make peace with this:

Hamas is now sending out press releases containing their terror report for the day. Lovely people. Sure, Israel should absolutely deal with them as if they were partners in peace. 2 a.m. – Qassam launched At night – Maadi Khaled … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Another way to use women – the sequel

It did not take a long time to happen. First, the women are unashamedly used to protect the bandits hiding in a mosque. Then, with assistance of sympathetic media, the story is presented as a case of IDF intentionally shooting … Continue reading

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