Monthly Archives: November 2006

Gracie update 16

She has spent most of the last 24 hours sleeping in my laundry basket, which is, er, full of laundry. Today when I get home, I’m going to switch her to the rag basket. I need to wash clothes. She … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 6 Comments

Chris Busby and the Independent are full of crap

Remember when the British paper The Independent said that sampled from bomb craters in Lebanon showed signs of depleted Uranium as part of a rumored “DIME” weapon developed by the Israelis? The craters, at Khiam and At-Tiri, were caused by … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Andrew Sullivan logic and the Virginia Marriage Amendment

If I were to use Andrew Sullivan’s logic, I’d vote for the Virginia Marriage Amendment today. From the post quoted by Sullivan: The invasion failed at every level: if securing Israel was part of the administration’s calculation—as the record suggests … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 25 Comments

Vote for me today!

Don’t forget, I’m running as a write-in candidate for Virginia Senate. Or, like some of my readers, if you’re in Jim Moron’s district, feel free to write me in against him, too. I’ll have you know I won, hands-down, against … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 4 Comments

The attack ads continue

Damn that Damian Penny! I KNEW there was something off about him. You just can’t trust a Canadian. He rented out space on his blog for an attack ad on me. And he’s CANADIAN. And that’s not the worst of … Continue reading

Posted in Podcasts | 2 Comments

The palestinians are not our friends

How pathetic is this? Schoolgirls marched and shopkeepers closed down their stores in Jenin on Monday in protest at the death sentence handed down against Saddam Hussein by a Baghdad court which found him guilty of crimes against humanity. Carrying … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

… and some Israelis are just plain nuts.

When I say “Israeli” and “nuts” who’s the first name that comes to mind? I’d think after you get past the Arab members of the Knesset and a few imams holding citizenship in one pocket and hate-speeches in the other, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments

Terror-supporting Iran

The BBC gives us more proof of Iran’s proxy war with Israel. A senior Hezbollah official has told the BBC that Iran is providing the group with money to help fund its reconstruction activities in Lebanon. Kassam Allaik said Iran … Continue reading

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palestinian ERA watch

Another palestinian woman blew herself up today, trying to take a bunch of Israelis with her. At least she targeted soldiers. That’s more than most of the male suicide bombers can be said to have done. A female suicide bomber … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | 2 Comments

What’s wrong with this AP article?

Let’s start with the headline: Syria Hints at Resistance Vs. Israel The AP has just legitimized Syria’s claim, and added yet another story in the plus column about “armed resistance.” The lead passes on, uncritically, the terms provided by the … Continue reading

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Gracie Update 15: Home again, and mad as hell

Gracie is home, has eaten, visited the litterbox, went up the stairs, used her scratching post, oh, and growled at me, big-time—for trying to remove her IV bandage. I have to give her antibiotics, but I’m hesitating right now. Wow, … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 4 Comments

Let us be clear on the Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade

The Haredi should STFU about the Gay Pride Parade in Jerusalem. Last I checked, Israel was not a theocracy. Last I checked, religious Jews weren’t extremist Muslims. Tell me how the behavior of the Haredi protesting the Gay Pride Parade … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Religion | 4 Comments

Rumors of war from the Syrian front

Syria is again threatening war: QUNEITRA, Syria: Syria could resort to armed resistance if peace negotiations fail to make Israel give back the Golan Heights, the Syrian Information Minister said Sunday. Mohsen Bilal said international negotiations should lead to Israel … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Lebanon | 3 Comments

Haveil Havalim #92 is UP!

Interested in Jewish Urban Legends? Where is the best Kosher Pizza? Did you know that Jewlicious has been redesigned? And who do you think hates the Neturei Karta? For this and more check out, Jerusalem Board Games hosts Haveil Havalim #92 … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments

Carnival of the Cats #137

Carnival of the Cats #137 goes to the land Down Under and gets all crazy with the Crazy Meezer. Lots of Meezer noses, Meezer toeses, and all the links that the Meezer choses. So who is the Catmodel of the … Continue reading

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