Yet another Gracie update

Yet another cat post, actually.

Gracie has a butt again. She’s gaining weight, and when I pet her, I no longer feel only her pelvic bones at the base of her tail. I am extremely happy about that; no doubt, so is she. She’s still flinching away from me when I pet her, except when she wants me to pet her. She didn’t really used to do that before. She would lean into the hand petting her. I suspect the weight loss has greatly affected the way she feels things against her skin. But hey, she’s eating lots, and even though we haven’t had another pure bellyrub experience, she’s still jumping into bed at night and in the morning, waiting for me to pet her. And she’s running up the stairs again, which she stopped doing after the second operation.

Gracie and Tig, together again

Meantime, Tig is also gaining weight, because he begs for wet food when I give some to Gracie, and I have to give him at least a little bit. He also tries to eat whatever she doesn’t finish. He’s up to about 17 pounds. He went to the vet’s for his shots today, and I have the scars to prove it. The vet doesn’t, though. He asked me to give Tig a kitty Valium before I brought him in, so after I fought with him for some five minutes and only succeeded because I had a piller for Gracie, I managed to get one down his throat. He managed to bloody my left pinky. Hooked it nicely with his claw, the bastard. Oh, well. At least he didn’t embarrass me too much at the vet’s. Hissed a bit after the first shot, but the vet, forewarned, grabbed Tig’s scruff a little harder, gave him the second shot before Tig could tell what was happening, and that was that.

They’re both outside right now. Gracie doesn’t care for cold weather much, but she’s so tired of being indoors that she’s going out even in weather she used to hate. Not rain, though. Nothing will get her out in the rain.

Gracie is also talking again as much as she used to. I got her to wish my mother a happy birthday this morning, and Gracie is back to her old habit of meowing to me in seven or eight different varieties of tone, chirrups, mews, meows, and mrowrs. And the deep, throaty purr has been back for some time now. Her tail isn’t back to its usual strength, though. I don’t need to move things off the table when she jumps on the chair to say hello. However, her recovery continues, and that’s a good thing. Oh, and her fur is growing back, so those ugly pink patches on her belly and throat and paws are all gone, replaced by the proper colors, if not the fur. I don’t expect her fur to grow back fully for about six months. We’ll have some good shots come summertime, I hope. Maybe by late spring.

In the meantime, we have this shot from two mornings ago, when I came upstairs to find Tig and Gracie butt-to-butt on my bed. It’s a rare twofer, and I present it to you for my Saturday catblogging.

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3 Responses to Yet another Gracie update

  1. Mark James says:

    Sounds like Tig needs some high-fiber, low-cal cat food to lose weight.

  2. chsw says:

    Did you find those chain-mail gloves? Very thick leather fence gloves, for working with barbed-wire, might be more easily found and work just as well.


  3. Marilynn says:

    This is such good news. After all the bad news in different places lately, it’s fantastic to read some good news, especially about a kitty so obviously cherished and precious.

    Purrs from Grace, Audace, and Ruse

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