Misleading headline of the day

This one sent my blood pressure soaring. These are the headlines of an AP article carried by both Ynet and Ha’aretz:

Olmert says open to international force in Gaza

PM open to Italian proposal to send international force to Gaza

And then you read the article, and this is what Olmert said:

“If Italy is prepared that its army will be engaged on a daily basis against terrorist actions of Hamas, the Islamic Jihad and the other terrorist organizations operating in Gaza, this is very interesting news. I want to learn it,” Olmert said, speaking in English.

[…] “Are you ready to fight? Are you ready to sacrifice your soldiers? Are you ready to endanger your people the way we expose our people because we have no choice?” Olmert asked, adding that “If this is your policy, then we will discuss it.”

In other words, it was nothing more than diplo-speak, because the heads of nations generally don’t say, “Are you out of your effing mind?” to other heads of states, at least, not friendly ones.

Nice try, AP, and Ynet and Ha’aretz: You may want to reconsider just blindly repackaging the usual AP anti-Israel tripe.

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3 Responses to Misleading headline of the day

  1. Paul says:

    Deep homage to George Orwell !!

  2. sultan knish says:

    The media has an unfortunate tendency to hear what they want to hear regardless of what you tell them

  3. Ed Hausman says:

    On the other hand, he did agree rather enthusiastically to a UN force in southern Lebanon, on the understanding that it would be “robust”.

    It is, isn’t it? Isn’t it? Hmmm …

    But then, he didn’t have much choice since Lebanon isn’t Israeli territory. Yesha is.

    Here’s another media message for ya — a new special report. A thick glossy package.

    The Middle East
    The History The Cultures The Conflicts The Faiths

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