So, how about those Yankees?

Whenever my friends and I were tired of talking about a subject (often after a serious discussion), someone would say, “So, how about those Yankees?” It was code for “Change the subject, this is boring/depressing/over with.)

Scanned the news today.

So, how about those Yankees?

Okay, I really almost never watch baseball anymore, and frankly get most of my Yankee news from Lair Simon’s baseball posts, which I actually sometimes even read (well, more than the gardening posts).

I ought to find a topic that Lair Simon doesn’t like so he can skip my posts on that topic. It seems only fair. Gardening and I are not friends. I like the results of gardens, but I have zero interest in actually planting one. In fact, the lone green thing in my apartment succumbed a month or so ago. One might say it succumbed to neglect, and that I was tired of it and just let it go in peace, but whatever you say, it succumbed, and now I don’t have to water the damned thing every day.

Of course, the way Lair Simon is, this post may be taken as some kind of challenge. It isn’t, but, well, Lair is about the most unpredictable person I know. I never know what he’s going to write about, and am often taken by surprise by some of the posts he puts up here.

It’s a good thing I like surprises. Well, okay, I don’t like surprise parties, because standing in the door and being shouted at by forty people on your thirtieth birthday when you were expecting just to see Janet’s husband? Not so nice. Heart-attack inducing shock. I swear, it took me half an hour to recover and finally figure out who was at the party.

But surprises that don’t include heart attack-inducing shock? I can deal with those.

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8 Responses to So, how about those Yankees?

  1. Piper’s not really dead. It’s all just a sick joke.

    There. Happy now?

  2. Alex Bensky says:

    The only question that need be asked about the Yankees is whether they are a metaphor for all that is evil, or all that is evil themselves.

  3. soccer dad says:

    I always thought that they should outlaw Sunday morning gardening shows. Those were deadly.

  4. cond0010 says:

    Well, sounds like you need some soooothing music, Meryl.

    Here’s some background music for you to play while you read about the yankees at Lair’s webiste:

  5. I prefer “Patrick Moore plays the Xylophone” when it comes to Flash music.

    Oh, and the We Like The Moon song.

  6. cond0010 says:

    Well… the nice thing about this one is that it is on auto repeat for endless enjoyment…

    Be sure to play it when you go to bed, Meryl. You’ll have some very memorable dreams…

  7. cond0010 says:

    “Oh, and … We Like The Moon song. ”

    Oh, Lair, I couldn’t find ‘The Moon Song’ on youTube, but I did find ‘The Man Song’.

    Heh… pretty funny… unless your a married guy, of course… ;)

  8. Forget the Yankees…

    Netanya Tigers of Petach Tikvah Pioneers?

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