Monthly Archives: December 2006

Echoes of 1938: Ahmadinejad is the real heir to Hitler

How is this man not the 21st-century Hitler? Ahmadinejad criticized three European states—an apparent reference to France, Britain and Germany—for seeking to deny Iran what he called its nuclear rights. “If you insist on your path against the Iranian nation’s … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran | 7 Comments

palestinian christians hate the Jews, too

Yes, the people who are being driven out by the Muslims still have more than enough Jew-hatred to go around. They’re blaming Israel for spreading AIDS to palestinians. “Israel is trying to hurt the Palestinian Authority and the Palestinian people … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 8 Comments

So about that 2.7% unemployment rate in Virginia…

I’m thinking that is not the rate in central Virginia, which is where I happen to live. For the past two years, I have been working at various temporary jobs in various Large Companies while trying to get a permanent … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 5 Comments

SNN is up

This week’s edition of Shire Network News features the first of a two-part interview with Walid Phares, discussing his new book, Future Jihad, and the search for moderate Muslims.

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Kaddish for Piper

Lair Simon’s cat, Piper, died this morning. I think we need to mourn them as much as we mourn people. So Lair, here’s the Kaddish for Piper: Yitgadal v’yitkadash sh’mei raba b’alma di-v’ra chirutei, v’yamlich malchutei b’chayeichon uvyomeichon uvchayei d’chol … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 4 Comments

Thieves with no taste turn out to be stupid, too

From my brother, another article to lift the mood around here: Man hides in box, robs Kmart of $80,000 in goods Okay, we’re talking Kmart, a company not known for employing rocket scientists. And we’re talking thieves, a profession not … Continue reading

Posted in Humor | 3 Comments

A test for reporters

I just thought of a test for the media who report on Israel. Set up bureaus in Sderot. Staff them. Then report on how harmless the kassam rockets are. Any takers? Reuters? AP? New York Times? Anyone? Anyone?

Posted in Evil Meryl, Israel | 4 Comments

Gilad Atzmon – why bother?

In his article Openly embracing prejudice (yes, again on comment is free, in that nest of, how to say it gently, the most virulent strain of debating societies), ever intrepid David Hirsh deconstructs the odious character of Gilad Atzmon. I … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel | 9 Comments

The perfect pancake syrup? Motor oil

Ever wonder how the food in ads looks so damned good, and you’ve never, ever seen food like that in real life? Well, here’s how it’s done. It’s hard work to achieve the perfect roasted chicken, but advertisements always show … Continue reading

Posted in Pop Culture | 1 Comment

Muslim ERA watch

Hey, check it out! Saudi Arabian women are now allowed to sell cars! Except, well, when you read it, you see that they are only selling cars to other women. Which is a pretty bad deal, what with women still … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, Religion | 2 Comments

The U.S. controls Israeli policy

I thought Israel was the puppeteer, not America. But the Sunday Times says that Olmert is dancing to W.’s tune. According to senior Israeli sources, Ehud Olmert, Israel’s prime minister, will soon meet high-ranking Saudi officials to explore the formation … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 4 Comments

Carnival of the Cats #141

Carnival of the Cats hops happily with its 141th episode over at Catymology, a fine effort by Aloysius and Darcy. And let’s not forget the Catmodel of the Week… Why, it’s Kiri of Folks who want a shot at … Continue reading

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Haveil Havalim #96 is UP!

Check it out and see .. Hey Larry, could you lift the Torah. No problem, nyuck,nyuck, nyuck. Those dastardly Zionists are sharing their nefarious technology. The Verrazano bridge brings back memories. Pay no attention to the Ayatollah behind the curtain. … Continue reading

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Holy crap! Reuters notices the ceasefire violations!

No, really. JERUSALEM, Dec 3 (Reuters) – A rocket fired from the Gaza Strip slammed into southern Israel on Sunday in the latest violation of a truce called a week ago, an Israeli military spokeswoman said. There were no injuries … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | 7 Comments

Lazy Richmond

Sorry, but I don’t have anything for you today. This post is just filler. Actually, it’s likely because I’m in the middle of yet another former student’s Bar Mitzvah. Last night, I helped contribute to the delinquency of a minor … Continue reading

Posted in Life, Religion | 4 Comments