Monthly Archives: December 2006

The myth of Muslim tolerance toward Jews

In response to a commenter in my previous post, I thought it wise to put this where it will be more widely read. Facts about Jews in Islamic countries While Jewish communities in Islamic countries fared better overall than those … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 17 Comments

Another slip of a double tongue

This BBC article’s headline may not keep for long, so I have decided to make a snapshot for posterity. Israel to resume militant strikes“. How do you like them chickens? “Militant strikes”. I wonder whether we are witnessing here the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias, Terrorism | 2 Comments

29 days…

left in Saddam’s execution order. I was going to put up a javascript clock, but this works just as well. Update: Hundreds apply to be Saddam’s hangman. Only hundreds?

Posted in Evil Meryl | 8 Comments

The world has gone mad

Specifically, the British part of it. Via Charles, the Brussels Journal points out this quote from Tony Blair on the Koran: To me, the most remarkable thing about the Koran is how progressive it is. I write with great humility … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 20 Comments

Hey, thanks!

Some of you have been hitting my Amazon tipjar lately. Thanks a bunch! It helps keep Gracie in Fancy Feast. (Tig gets some too, but he sure doesn’t need it.)

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Recycling old posts

You know, I’ve been saying that I’m writing the same things over and over again. Go back in my archives and you’ll see exactly what I mean. For real amusement, read to the end, click on “next” or “previous,” and … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Comments Off on Recycling old posts

Humpty Dumpty media rules

When is a cease fire not a cease fire? When more than 60 rockets are launched on a daily to near-daily basis, destroying property and wounding civilians. When is a war a “shaky truce”? When only Israelis are targeted. Israel … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel, Media Bias | 2 Comments

Be careful what you wish for…

Mahmoud the Mad is boldly venturing into the realm of theology now: In a greeting to the world’s Christians for the coming new year, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said he expects both Jesus and the Shiite messianic figure, Imam Mahdi, … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Juvenile Scorn | 2 Comments

The cease-fire sham continues

After the two boys in Sderot were wounded by the Qassam yesterday, IDF gets the green light “to resume pinpoint operations targeting Qassam rocket launching cells“. The condition attached to this mandate is “to uphold the cease-fire in general“. Gives … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Terrorism | Comments Off on The cease-fire sham continues

The New York Times’ blinders

Here’s a challenge: Go read this NY Times editorial and see if you can find a single reference to the messages—in the form of rockets loaded with ball-bearings that just destroyed two young boys’ legs—that palestinian terrorists have been sending … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias | 4 Comments

The official AP boilerplate: More deaths than 9/11!

Charles first noticed the AP comparing the number of soldiers killed in Iraq with the number of people killed in the 9/11 attacks. Of course, the first thought that comes to mind when you read an idiotic comparison like that … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias | 6 Comments

Have you seen this artist?

My sister-in-law sent me a Hanukkah card with a watercolor portrait of a man dancing in the midst of six dreidels. It’s from Michel & Co. I have found a website that I think may be theirs, but it’s in … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 2 Comments

A Tom Friedman column that makes perfect sense

Looks like Mr. Friedman has finally been mugged by reality. This is from the man who so proudly announced to us the Saudi peace plan several years ago, refusing to believe he was being used for propaganda purposes. I do … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media | 9 Comments

Better than them, reason one

Why Americans are better than Islamists, Reason One: They have fatwas. We have WaWas.

Posted in Meanderings | 11 Comments

The latest Gracie news

I would like to report that except for still having to be on steroids and occasionally throwing up first thing in the morning, Gracie is fully recovered. Because she’s just spent the last ten minutes yowling to go outside, and … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 6 Comments