Monthly Archives: December 2006

A win in the war on Islamism

Ethiopian fighters are beating the Somali Islamists. Islamic fighters were in a tactical retreat Tuesday, a senior Islamic leader said, as government and Ethiopian troops advanced on three fronts in a decisive turn around in the battle for control of … Continue reading

Posted in Religion, World | 4 Comments

The false cease-fire: More kassam launches than before

The IDF has collected the data, and it is inarguable: The cease-fire is an utter sham. The palestinians have launched more kassam rockets into Israel before the IDF exercised “restraint,” and the message is clear: The terrorists will not stop … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 7 Comments

Not a creature was stirring: The sequel

I got to Heidi’s about 1:15, and finally settled in with the DVD about, oh, half an hour after I arrived, I figure. The dogs were rather happy to see me, and to get them out of my way, I … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 1 Comment

Want some joy?

It was a poor attempt at a bad pun. Anyhow, Joy Wolfe describes here some interesting goings-on in Manchester, UK, and I must confess that schadenfreude, being a long and imported word, is not totally alien to me. If anyone … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn | 16 Comments

Know your enemy

He’s such a reasonable person, the Stormfront degenerate. You can’t deny the logic of his latest feedback (which will not be approved). Never mind that I added one more “d” then was needed. You website looked perfect for Google ads, … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | 7 Comments

Carnival of the Cats #144

Carnival of the Cats spends its Christmas over at IMAO, but it’s turning out to be somewhat of an unhappy holiday and unfestive Festivus for the host, burdened with lingering sadness as he is. Somebody’s not going to forget auld … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 1 Comment

Site news

Since I have a little time on my hands, I finally got around to putting in a plugin so that if you want to read posts by category or date, you can get more than the default number of displayed … Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 6 Comments

Not a creature was stirring

You know what I like best about being a Jew on Christmas? Nothing. No, really. Doing nothing. I no longer live in NJ. When I did, the Christmas break from work was often four days long, so I’d visit Heidi … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays | 5 Comments

The silence is deafening

The world has been clamoring for Israel to sit down with the palestinians and work things out. Well, that’s exactly what Olmert did. In fact, he put the palestinian flag up during the negotiations. Olmert’s men explained that the warm … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | 7 Comments

Saving Syria’s Jews

“A woman of valor” is an apt description of Judy Feld Carr, who started a secret network that saved 3,228 Jews from a nation that restricts them into ghettos, makes them identify their religion on their identity cards, and has … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Religion | 5 Comments

Hashemi Rafsanjani – a moderate murderer

If you look at the results of the local council and the 86-member Assembly of Experts elections in Iran, as they are reported by AP, it may seem as a political equivalent of an earthquake. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad suffered an … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 4 Comments

It’s David Duke season!

As I mentioned before, the Duke defenders come out of the woodwork, allowing me to laugh at their stupidity, but not generally you. However, I’m going to share the Dukies’ stuff with my readers. Here’s a comment from Stormfront that … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Juvenile Scorn | 9 Comments

Compare and contrast: The AP spins for the pals

Let’s take a look at the Ynet and AP versions of the same incident: AP: Assailants fired on the car of a senior Palestinian security official Saturday, wounding him, a bodyguard and a girl in intensifying factional fighting in the … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza | Comments Off on Compare and contrast: The AP spins for the pals

Israel makes the baby Jesus cry

Johann Hari writes an article that shows, completely without context, the suffering of pregnant palestinians and, of course, repeats the lie that if Jesus lived today, he would be a palestinian. No, if Jesus lived today, he would be a … Continue reading

Posted in Media Bias | 14 Comments

Eighth night of Chanukah

And it’s posted before sundown, too.

Posted in Holidays | Comments Off on Eighth night of Chanukah