Monthly Archives: December 2006

Third light

Almost forgot.

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Carnival of the Cats #143

Carnival of the Cats takes a trip over to The House Of Chaos for the 143rd edition, and it’s a doozie. And let’s not forget the Catmodel of the Week… Why, it’s Ritzi the Psycho Cat of Mind of Mog. … Continue reading

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Red on red

The palestinians are edging closer to civil war, and it couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch of people. Foreign Minister Mahmoud al-Zahar’s convoy came under fire Sunday as it passed through Gaza City, and members of his Hamas movement … Continue reading

Posted in palestinian politics | 3 Comments

Second light

It’s the second night of Chanukah, and here is my hanukkiah (the specific word for what we often call a menorah). The dreidel came with a box of Godiva chocolates from my friend Kim (hi, Kim!), who sent me a … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays | 3 Comments

Oh, look. Another anti-Israel office at the UN

Color me shocked, shocked, I tell you. The U.N. General Assembly voted overwhelmingly Friday to establish an office to register Palestinian damage claims stemming from Israel’s construction of a barrier in the West Bank. Israel and the United States strongly … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, World | 4 Comments

The non-democracy of Iran

The next time someone tells you that Iran is a democratic state, show them this: LONDON, December 12 (IranMania) – About 78 Tehran City Council election candidates have withdrawn from the race, Tehran’s governor said. Vajiollah Aqataqi also told IRNA … Continue reading

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Happy Chanukah Jews, and by the way, screw you!

And the count for vandalized menorah displays begins: AMHERST – The menorah on the Town Common may have been damaged, but the spirit of the holiday has not. “We want this to be a catalyst for more people to come … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Holidays | 1 Comment

First light of Chanukah: Virtual menorah meme

Yes, it’s that time of year again: Time for my virtual Menorah to make its annual appearance. In 2001, I borrowed a digital camera from Montclair State University’s computer department and took pictures of my menorah. And I’ve been putting … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays | 7 Comments

The world is noticing that Iran is a problem

First the new UN Ambassador has some tough words for them, now the EU? The European Union accused Iran on Friday of destabilizing the Middle East with its nuclear program and threats towards Israel, in a significant hardening of the … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, World | Comments Off on The world is noticing that Iran is a problem

Good for Secretary Ban

I’m already liking the new secretary to the U.N. Of course, my favorite thing about him is that he was not Kofi’s hand-picked successor. But this made me like him even more: Incoming U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told Iran on … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, World | 1 Comment

palestinian civil war watch

Pending: Chairman of the Hamas faction in parliament Khalil al-Haya, told a crowd of tens of thousands at a Hamas rally in Gaza Friday that “(Palestinian President Mahmoud) Abbas has declared war on Allah and on the will of the … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, palestinian politics | 4 Comments

Bringing genocide charges against Ahmadinejad

A conference was held in New York to discuss just that purpose. One Jerusalem has the videos. John Bolton, Dore Gold, and Alan Dershowitz spoke.

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran, Israel | 2 Comments

Haveil Havalim #97 is UP!

I’m sorry this is so late. Sunday was crazy and the rest of the week wasn’t much better. Was Nancy Pelosi’s father a Revisionist? 10000 Latkes (no, not heading to Scranton Pennsylvania) And read about a beautiful sharpshooter. Where you … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

A completely silly waste of time

It can also be fairly offensive, but hey, I thought it was hilarious. Simon Says Santa, redux.

Posted in Holidays, Humor | 4 Comments

Words fail at the hypocrisy of terrorist spokesliars

I’m not really sure why the JPost thought to get the terrorists’ point of view on the recent Israeli Supreme Court ruling that targeted assassinations were not illegal. But they did, and as a result, we get this: Hussein A-Sheikh, … Continue reading

Posted in Terrorism | 3 Comments