Monthly Archives: December 2006

Shameless plug

Vote for Shire Network News in the Wizbang Weblog Awards. Because we’re just. That. Good. Okay, mostly because I’m asking nicely. You can vote once a day until the awards are over, a practice which I still find extremely stupid, … Continue reading

Posted in Podcasts | 2 Comments

Is Bush-43 really the first?

Tony Blair: “This is something that I know you feel deeply and passionately about,” Blair told Bush. “You are the first president who committed yourself to the two-state solution.” From Wikipedia on Harry Truman: In 1946, an Anglo-American Committee of … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 5 Comments

A Middle East peace conference without Israel

James Baker is shaping up to be the Republican Party’s next Pat Buchanan. You want me to vote Republican? Shyeah. Because of tactics like this? Right. WASHINGTON – According to Thursday’s issue of the conservative Washington Times’ Insight magazine, the … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel | 20 Comments

No Jews in the Ukraine, please.

At least, that’s what one out of three Ukrainians said in a poll. I guess it’s a good thing for them that most Ukrainian Jews were murdered in the Holocaust, hm? One in three Ukrainians do not want Jews to … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | 4 Comments

Heroes thread

The first episode is online now, for those of you who missed it. Time to catch up, and start talking about the show in the comments. My first question: Anyone out there think that Ando is going to wind up … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 11 Comments

What part of “Hamas will destroy Israel” don’t you understand?

Once again, there are signs that the EU and the US are ready to ignore a terrorist organization’s outright admission that it will not stop terror until the state of Israel is destroyed. Once again, the world utterly ignores that … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | 5 Comments

What’s wrong with the Gilmore Girls

Besides the fact that Amy Sherman-Palladino is no longer in charge of it, that is. Last night’s episode contained Emily Gilmore using the word “snarkiness” when describing Lorelai’s sense of humor. Emily would not use “snarkiness.” I will not be … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 5 Comments

Jackie Mason beats FauxJews for Jesus

Jackie Mason sued the FauxJews for using his likeness in their conversion literature. He agreed to a settlement. Too bad. He should have taken them to the cleaners. Mr. Mason, the stand-up comedian whose act often includes pithy observations about … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 6 Comments

Shlomo Goldwasser: Don’t negotiate for my son’s body

Hezbullah has refused point-blank to offer any details over the health of the kidnapped soldiers. It seems they have good reason: They may very well be dead. During the war in Lebanon this summer, the army had prepared a report … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon | 2 Comments

Carter’s anti-Israel book alienates Carter Center Fellow

Kenneth Stein, a Carter Center Fellow of 23 years, has resigned from the Center due to Jimmy Carter’s just-published anti-Israel screed, “Palestine: Peace, Not Apartheid.” President Carter’s book on the Middle East, a title too inflammatory to even print, is … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel | 2 Comments

World media helps Iran spread its anti-Semitic message

Once again, the world media is passing along Iran’s message of Jew-hatred to the world. The anti-Semites of the world are currently in ecstasy seeing a so-called “scientific” process—that doesn’t seem to include any evidence that is already in existence—about … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran, Media Bias | 3 Comments

It’s official: Israel’s politicians are blind, deaf, and dumb

You’ve all heard the phrase, right? “Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.” Israel’s leaders are living it. Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said that she detected “signs of change” in the attitude of the Hamas-led Palestinian leadership thanks … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel | 3 Comments

Presented for your amusement

(and mystification): Something I borrowed from Charles. Thanks, Charles! To the three people who might get it: No. Names.

Posted in Bloggers | 5 Comments


I have been praising the excellence of the new NBC show, Heroes, all year, particularly to my friend Lynn, who I know only likes to watch good shows. By sheer accident (turning on NBC ten minutes too early), she caught … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 6 Comments

Trophy – better late than never

Haaretz reports that IDF brass has finally made up their minds on the Trophy – the anti-anti-tank missile system. The Israel Defense Forces will begin equipping its tanks with an advanced, active protection system capable of countering the latest anti-tank … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments