Folks, if you’re not reading Chapter 7 of The Perfumed Garden, you are witnessing such gems as these:
* Coitus after a full meal may occasion rupture of the intestines. It is also to be avoided after undergoing much fatigue, or at a time of very hot or very cold weather.
* Amongst the accidents which may attend the act of coition in hot countries may be mentioned sudden blindness without any previous symptoms.
* The man must also abstain from copulation with his wife if he is in a state of legal impurity, for if she should become pregnant by such coition the child could not be sound.
* Care is to be taken not to carry heavy loads on one’s back or to over-exert the mind, if one does not want the coitus to be impeded. It is also not good constantly to wear vestments made of silk, as they impair all the energy for copulation.
* Silken cloths worn by women also affect injuriously the capacity for erection of the virile member.
* It is said that reading the Koran also predisposes for copulation.
* The sage, Es Sakli, has thus determined the limits to be observed by man as to the indulgence of the pleasures of coition: Man, be he phlegmatic or sanguine, should not make love more than twice or thrice a month; bilious or hypochondriac men only once or twice a month. It is nevertheless a well-established fact that nowadays men of any of these four temperaments are insatiable as to coition, and give themselves up to it day and night, taking no heed how they expose themselves to numerous ills, both internal and external.
* Women are more favoured than men in indulging their passion for coition. it is in fact their speciality; and for them it is all pleasure; while men run many risks in abandoning themselves without reserve to the pleasures of love.
There will be more.
Are you on Ch. 8 yet? The sundry names of the male member. Classic. My favorite – the crowbar.
OMG. Ch. 9 is the same for female. “The one with the little nose.” Ok, time for lunch break.
Chapter 1: “Such a man is liked and appreciated by women; this is because the woman loves the man only for the sake of coition. His (*Gold Card*) member should, therefore, be of ample dimensions and length. ”
I always thought they wanted us for taking the garbage out… or fixing the toilet… or awww what do I know…
Chapter 9 has this gem:
“The man who dreams of cohabiting with women with whom to have sexual intercourse is forbidden by religion, as for instance his mother, sister, etc. (maharine), must consider this as a presage that he will go to sacred places (moharreme); and, perhaps, even journey to the holy house of God, and look there upon the grave of the Prophet.”
Elder, your quote seems to imply that the two are connected. This means that the man who dreams of forbidden relations, wishes to violate the second of the “Big Three” (idol worship). In fact, based on the way that they are behaving, I would say that they normally violate the third of the “Big Three” (murder) anyway. Notice how they subsume their normal activity into “etc.”
I wonder which one actually came first, murder or illicit relations? The third (idol worship) is what they come up with to justify what they want to do.
Especially if they are not married to the woman involved. It also leads to honor killing
I always thought they wanted us for taking the garbage out… or fixing the toilet…
Oh, don’t be so cynical! Men are also good for killing spiders.
Oh… my mistake, Angie. I’ll put it on the list. :)
I loved the part about rummaging the woman. Who knew that rummage sales could be so much fun.