So I have to ask myself…

I got a commenter who says s/he was at a Bi’ilin “protest.” These are the weekly protests held by the ISM, palestinians, and their buddies, wherein they go to forbidden military areas, or try to cut down the security fence. They then throw stones at the IDF soldiers who try to stop them from doing it.

So I have to ask myself: Do I really want to approve one of these assholes as a commenter here?

I was at one of those protests. It was completely peaceful until the IDF or Border Police, or whatever opened up with sound bombs and rubber bullets.

JFK: “A nation that makes peaceful protest impossible, makes violent revolution inevitable.”

Naaaaah. I can just as easily give you the contents of the comment and not bother having a troll around to annoy me. Because yeah, the IDF just loves to go around throwing sound bombs and shooting people with rubber bullets for no reason. Yep. Uh-huh. Sure. I believe you, when your organization teaches its people how to lie in order to get into Israel.

“Thinker” found this blog by googling “Zionist blog,” and then posting about protesting the security fence in Israel. Notice how s/he can’t even tell if it was IDF or Border Police. I’m guessing Thinker wasn’t really there at all.

I think I’ll pass.

P.S.: Number one on Google search for Zionist Blog. I will wear that honor proudly.

This entry was posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to So I have to ask myself…

  1. A Steve says:

    Wow, congratulations. You should save a screenshot of that for posterity (when I broke the top 100 on the MIT futures trading game, I did. Then I quit, because I didn’t care all that much about it.{/tangent}).

    As for the ISM, they’re not pro-peace. They just on the other side.

  2. Cynic says:

    It was completely peaceful until the IDF or Border Police, or whatever …

    Yes, whatever started it all.

    Having seen those “peaceful protests” on Israeli TV, where attempts are made to damage the fence, destroy the monitoring equipment or throw stones, I can understand why the “whatever” do what they do!

  3. cond0010 says:

    ” It was completely peaceful until the IDF or Border Police, or whatever opened up with sound bombs and rubber bullets.”

    Hey it kinda reminds me of the riots near where I work a few years ago where my dumpster was set on fire, a Coworkers car was burned and another car was burned at the intersection outside of where I live:

    A young man was interviewed on TV. Being that he was one of the rioters he said “We won’t stop rioting until the police stop chasing us…”

    …. brain hurts….

  4. Dick Stanley says:

    Thinker doesn’t think. S/he just spews.

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