Obsession: Firefly

So I started watching Firefly a few weeks after the premiere, and never really got into it when it was on TV. That’s partly because the network never let Joss Whedon actually present Firefly the way it needed to be presented. And I meant to, but never got around, to buying the DVD set. Then came the movie, which I frankly didn’t see because I hadn’t seen the series. So finally, a few months ago, I used my Amazon gift certificates and bought the series and movie, then wound up lending them to a friend before I saw them, because I was busy working and when I wasn’t, I was watching my Gilmore Girl DVDs. There’s really only room for one TV series at a time.

Once my last job ended, and I had more time on my hands, I retrieved the DVDs from my friend and started watching.


Shoulda done this years ago.

Now I’m all bummed out because there’s only one season to obsess over, and it’s likely there won’t be anything beyond the movie. It really didn’t do that well. And people have moved on.

But there are the episodes. And the soundtrack. I love that music. It keeps playing in my head, especially the cello and violin pieces.

When I try to choose a favorite episode, I’m torn between Out of Gas and Objects in Space. Or Shindig. I really like Shindig.

If you have never seen this show, you are missing a wonderful thing.

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3 Responses to Obsession: Firefly

  1. Ben F says:

    Gorram right! I got the Firefly DVD set for Hanukkah after being blown away by the movie. Shiny.

    It’d have been interesting, had the series not been canceled in its first season, to see how Whedon would have teased out the stuff that comes out all at once in the movie, like what River was capable of and what the Reavers were (I don’t think we ever actually saw them in the TV series).

    Also, having watched Serenity again after seeing the series, it was nice to hear the Firefly theme at the end of the film credits. Brought it all full circle.

  2. Eric J says:

    I think we’ll see a series of novels or comics at some point. Whedon loves the ‘verse too much to never tell any more stories there.

    He just has to get through Wonder Woman first.

  3. EarlW says:

    Don’t forget about the movie ‘Serenity’.

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