Blogging will be lightheaded

It’s an upper respiratory thing. No antibiotics prescribed, as my un-fever went away. Instead, I have a strong decongestant/expectorant combo prescription.

This thing is making me extremely stupid. When I got to the drugstore, I got out of my car, and walked past the front of the Jeep and said, “Huh. It sounds like the motor’s still on.” Then I looked for my keys, and realized that the reason the car sounded like the motor was still on is because it was. With the keys in the ignition.

I’ve had to correct a dozen typos while writing this post.

I don’t think I’ll be blogging any more for a while.

At least the medicine is working. I can almost hear out of my left ear now. And I could smell the cat food when I gave Gracie her lunch.

Think I liked it better when I couldn’t smell it.

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3 Responses to Blogging will be lightheaded

  1. I hope you’re not seeing Gracie’s first vet for your ills.

  2. michael says:

    Feel better Meryl. I’ll check back at the blog when your not drunk on pseudophedrine…

  3. Y’know, it occurs to me that if I have any of this stuff left over, I can sell it to a meth lab. Make a little profit over my illness.

    Yes, that was a joke.

    I cannot believe I had to have a prescription to get the real pseudophedrine.

    It’s working. I have less of a roaring in my ear, but it now hurts. Ow.

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