Once a Holocaust denier, always a liar

David Irving, fresh out of prison for Holocaust denial, is doing it again. That’s funny, I thought he got out of jail early because he said he was wrong. Must have changed his mind or something.

British historian David Irving, who was jailed for questioning the Holocaust in a book published in Austria, said recently that the Auschwitz death camp was a tourist attraction, and added that there was no proof that it ever had gas chambers.

Irving, whose comments during an interview with Italy’s Sky TG24 News were immediately picked up by Italian news agencies, said there was no doubt the Nazis killed millions of Jews, but said the killings did not take place at Auschwitz.

“At Auschwitz they did not have gas chambers, or at least there is no proof that I am satisfied with,” Irving told the news channel’s
program, “controcorrente.” Irving spoke in English, but his comments were translated by a voiceover.

This is why we need the records released. So these liars can be confronted with the evidence they claim does not exist.

The Yourish.com mantra is in order here: Anti-Semites of the world, just die already.

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3 Responses to Once a Holocaust denier, always a liar

  1. Jeffrey Levine says:

    I love your mantra. Would you consider removing the hyphen between Anti and Semitism (Antisemitism) as I do. This format helps combat the crazy Muslims that want to apply Antisemitism to their own group. Just a suggestion.


  2. These people need to be combatted, not persuaded. You can’t argue with an epiphany, as I like say.

  3. To quote from Sam Goldwyn: “Don’t pay any attention to them. Don’t even ignore them.”

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