Monthly Archives: January 2007

Vicious Jeep attacks Hamas terrorists

Well, that’s what the headline says. Hamas members wounded in Palestinian jeep attack Masked Palestinian militants fired a rocket-propelled grenade at a vehicle from the Hamas armed force in northern Gaza, wounding five Hamas men inside, Hamas officials said. It … Continue reading

Posted in palestinian politics | 1 Comment

The myth of Islam and tolerance

Palestinian Christians are finally coming out and admitting what we’ve known for a very long time: They’re being harassed and driven out by the Muslim population of the terrortories[sic]. A number of Christian families have finally decided to break their … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Religion | 7 Comments

You want fries with that?

Add this story to the list of outraged groups who, well, need to get a clue. A restaurant trade group says it is insulted by an insurance company’s planned Super Bowl ad that stars Kevin Federline as a fast-food worker. … Continue reading

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Um, that’s why they’re called “sloths”

File under: Waste of money. Scientists in the eastern German city of Jena said Wednesday they have finally given up after three years of failed attempts to entice a sloth into budging as part of an experiment in animal movement. … Continue reading

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I’m getting better!

The roaring in my right ear is down to an almost manageable level. I’m still very lethargic, so it will be another day resting. But I think my mind may actually be back in gear. But damn, that pseudophedrine dries … Continue reading

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Once a Holocaust denier, always a liar

David Irving, fresh out of prison for Holocaust denial, is doing it again. That’s funny, I thought he got out of jail early because he said he was wrong. Must have changed his mind or something. British historian David Irving, … Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust | 3 Comments

Muslim ERA watch: Another dishonor killing

A Jordanian man murdered his daughter even after she had a medical exam that proved she was a virgin. A Jordanian man fatally shot his 17-year-old daughter whom he suspected of having sex despite a medical exam that proved her … Continue reading

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Blogging will be lightheaded

It’s an upper respiratory thing. No antibiotics prescribed, as my un-fever went away. Instead, I have a strong decongestant/expectorant combo prescription. This thing is making me extremely stupid. When I got to the drugstore, I got out of my car, … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 3 Comments

Red on red

Guess those peace talks in Syria didn’t amount to the paper they’re written on. Four dead terrorists in the latest clashes. The number of combatants dead in Wednesday’s clashes between Fatah and Hamas loyalists in Beit Hanoun has risen to … Continue reading

Posted in palestinian politics | 2 Comments

A 77-year-old Bar Mitzvah boy

A Holocaust survivor celebrated his Bar Mitzvah on Monday, 64 years after he should have. The Jewish community in Rome celebrated on Monday with 77-year-old Samuel Modiano on the occasion of his Bar-Mitzvah. Modiano, a member of the community, was … Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust, Religion | 4 Comments

Choosing the wrong word

Mark Twain said that the difference between the almost right word and the right word is the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning. Here is a perfect example of using the wrong word to make your point. In … Continue reading

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Fever blogging

The roaring in my ears has settled into some kind of thing that includes my usual un-fever (96.7) and now, a lethargy spread over my entire body. Blogging may be light tomorrow. I don’t remember. Did I mention the ear-roaring … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 2 Comments

Tidying up

I’ve been doing a long-overdue housecleaning, and here are some of the things I’ve found: At least half a dozen pens (including a Sharpie) The missing battery for my digital camera One earring My white baseball cap (yay!) A giant … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 1 Comment

The boycotts that don’t count

Last year, the Socialist Left Party in Norway called for a complete boycott of Israeli goods. It didn’t work. In 2006, Norwegian firms imported Israeli goods worth NOK 650 million. This is an increase by NOK 80 million, or 15 … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment


Switzerland admits being the mediator in the secret Syria-Israel talks that no one in Israel authorized: Because those secret negotations known as Oslo were such a success. Thanks, Switzerland, and hey, how ’bout all those millions you stole from Jewish … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 9 Comments