Monthly Archives: January 2007

Hamas pretends to be Al Qaeda

Gee, let’s think. Who on earth would want to “send a message” to Mohammed Dahlan, one of Mahmoud Abbas’ major allies? Who has threatened Dahlan in the past few weeks? Think, think, think, think. Oh, right. Hamas. Dozens of masked … Continue reading

Posted in palestinian politics | 1 Comment

The palestinian “unity” government

I’d work up some outrage about this story, but, well, there won’t be a unity government. And, well, I’m not really suprised by this. And, well, I’m tired of being outraged over palestinian behavior. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Tuesday … Continue reading

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How to write an AP piece on Israel

First, get Aron Heller to write it. Then, don’t let an editor touch it. How else to explain the full, correct reasons behind the war in Lebanon last summer? Israel launched the full-scale assault just hours after Hezbollah captured two … Continue reading

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“Peace Through Superior Firepower”

Well, while everybody else was slaving away at their Shire Network News pieces, I was working on my round five piece for Podcast Pickle’s Pickle Tales is out with Round Five. It’s down to three storytellers: me and two other … Continue reading

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Haveil Havalim is up

Over at Jerusalem Board Games. It’s called “Speed Dating at Haveil Havalim.” Now that’s a scary concept.

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A glimpse of life for Jews in an Islamic state

If you want to know how Jews would be treated in the so-called “binational” state of Isratine, take a look at how Yemeni Jews are being treated today by their Muslim overlords: Jewish residents of the Saada region in northern … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Religion | 6 Comments

Shimon Peres: Master of Juvenile Scorn

Tell me this wouldn’t fit right into my Juvenile Scorn category: “I went through Israel’s 60 years of history and I am telling you, there were tougher days,” he said. “I am grateful to Nasrallah and to Ahmadinejad,” Peres added. … Continue reading

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Carnival of the Cats #148

Carnival of the Cats #148 is a quick and dirty roundup by Mr. Gato of Enrevanche for your viewing pleasure. Oh, and let’s not forget the Catmodel of the Week… It’s Thalia from Athenamama! Folks who want a shot at … Continue reading

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This week’s Shire Network News

It’s up. It has an interview with Mark Steyn, and the usual cast of characters. As I said earlier, I’m quite happy with my contribution to this week’s episode. Now to go listen to the rest of the gang.

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The AP: A terrorist’s best friend

I really don’t understand how the AP can claim objectivity with a straight face: Islamic Jihad militants launched homemade rockets into Israel from the Gaza Strip on Sunday in retaliation for Israel’s continuing military operations against their group in the … Continue reading

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Yet another Jimboism

To post about Carter’s dhimmitude is becoming boring lately. But what can one do when almost every day a new pearl of ex-POTUS wisdom is uncovered: January 15, 2007 — Has a former president of the United States – a … Continue reading

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Attention, SNN junkies:

I’m back on the podcast, which should be up sometime later today. The subject: The Neturei Karta, the Big Kiss, and actions having consequences. With music! Louis Armstrong! Broadway shows! Looney Tunes! I am nothing if not eclectic.

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Obsession: Firefly

So I started watching Firefly a few weeks after the premiere, and never really got into it when it was on TV. That’s partly because the network never let Joss Whedon actually present Firefly the way it needed to be … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 3 Comments

80% of property stolen by Nazis and Europeans kept by them

Looks like they got away with more than just murder. But we already knew that. Only one-fifth of the property that was stolen from Europe’s Jews by the Nazis and their collaborators has ever been returned, leaving at least $115 … Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust | 4 Comments

Saudi ERA watch

This is why I laugh when people tell me that Islam has any relation to feminism. The Saudi Gazette reported that a Saudi man who demanded SR100,000 from his daughter in return for allowing her to marry has been disallowed … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, Satire | 3 Comments