Monthly Archives: January 2007

I’m rubber, you’re glue

I swear, Israeli politics are a lot funnier than American politics. Lieberman dubs Peretz stupid, racist in row over minister post Strategic Threats Minister and Yisrael Beitenu Chairman Avigdor Lieberman on Friday said Labor Party Chairman Amir Peretz is both … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

Lies the Syrians told us

On the heels of my earlier piece on the lies of the Syrian negotiator, we have this article on negotiating with Syria by one of the Bush Administration Syria advisers: The White House has been critical of renewed engagement with … Continue reading

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More snow follies

Today’s lesson: Snow is slippery. And it’s a really stupid idea to jump out of your car before it hits another one.

Posted in Humor | 2 Comments

The French finally honor a village that saved Jews

Le Chambon-sur-Lignon is a French village that saved thousands of French Jews during the Holocaust and was long ago recognized by Yad Vashem. It’s finally being recognized by the French. A French village credited with saving 3,000 Jews from the … Continue reading

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Syria’s spin on the peace negotations: It’s all your fault

According to the man who’s been secretly negotiating peace talks with Syria and Israel, Syria wants peace. It’s the mean ol’ U.S. and the media who are ruining things. And Israel, of course. According to Suleiman, it is the Americans … Continue reading

Posted in Syria | 1 Comment

Who’s writing the Washington Post editorials?

The WaPo editorials are making sense these days. Ms. Rice is trying to solidify an alliance of “the mainstream” against Iran and in support of U.S. policy in Iraq. To do that, she is making a high-profile effort to revive … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 5 Comments

Anti-Semitism in Germany

The first rabbi to be ordained since the Holocaust covers his kippa with a baseball cap for fear of anti-Semitic attacks. The first rabbi to be ordained in Germany since the Holocaust is so worried about being identified as a … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | 2 Comments

Changes in Israel

By now you all know that IDF Chief of Staff Dan Halutz, the Air Force General most people blame for the Lebanon war turning into a debacle resigned. But let us not let Ehud Olmert and Amir Peretz off the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 6 Comments

Automotive ice ballet

This is a video that simply must be seen to be believed. In it, we get to see some of Portland’s stupidest drivers watch cars attempt to drive on the icy streets, and then, after seeing the cars slide into … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn | 1 Comment

Life intrudes

Off to an interview with an agency and other job-related things today. Fingers crossed, people. Update: Look for an announcement soon. Good things are happening.

Posted in Life | 6 Comments

BBC causes stutter – fact!

No need to rummage Snopes or to look for a needle in the Google haystack anymore, the fact is proved and clear to anyone. Here is a picture of the first victim of the cruel joke BBC played on some … Continue reading

Posted in Humor | 2 Comments

Stupid Virginia politicians

In the year 2007, a backward-thinking man in a state that likes to think of itself as forward-thinking managed to piss off blacks and Jews during the annual legislative session. And no, he’s not from the sticks. He’s from Glen … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Politics | 6 Comments

Should egalitarians support Chávez?

Asks Francisco Rodríguez – assistant professor of economics and Latin American studies at Wesleyan University, and former chief economist of the Venezuelan National Assembly. This is really a very unusual venue that professor Rodríguez is using – the infamous CiF. … Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous, Politics | 1 Comment

Another dishonor killing in Israel

A 19-year-old woman was murdered in an apparent “honor” killing. Not for marrying the wrong guy. For wanting to wear clothing that her family felt was unsuitable. A 19-year-old was shot to death by unknown assailants on Tuesday at her … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Religion | 5 Comments

This has to be a joke

Senator Barack Obama, who has almost no experience whatsoever, wants to be the next president of the United States. Democratic Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois jumped in the 2008 White House race on Tuesday, promising to bring Americans together and … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 11 Comments