Monthly Archives: January 2007

Here and there

Yep, you’re going to have to go over to Jewcy to get the full Meryl this week. I find it too exhausting to try to keep to my usual posting schedule here while also posting a minimum of five a … Continue reading

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The Sunday Times: All the lies fit to print

Long-time readers may remember that one of my first, longest, and most widely-read blogwars was with a blogger named Aziz Poonawalla, who is held up as a shining light of the “moderate” Muslim variety. I was actually rather shocked at … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | 1 Comment

Liberal, conservative, or centrist?

Apparently, I’m Colin Powell. I got a 21. I’ve been saying for years I’m a centrist. Ha!

Posted in Politics | 12 Comments

Scrubs, bathroom humor, and a musical!

Just about every silly thing you can thnk of is in this video, a preview of next week’s Scrubs musical episode. The song’s called “Everything Comes Down to Poo.” Y’know, I hear echoes of Sondheim in the musical style. No, … Continue reading

Posted in Humor, Television | 2 Comments

Posting (here) will be light today

I’ll be expending my energies over at Jewcy for a few hours, then back here. It’s a week-long gig, and since they’re actually paying me, I’ll be working a lot of hours on their site. But it will be the … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers | 1 Comment

A tale of two Jews

Haaretz happens to tell two seemingly unrelated stories on the same day. One is the story of Mossad-KGB double agent Zeev Avni who died last week (double dealing is good for one’s health, apparently). Avni, a Mossad agent, was arrested … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Satire | 5 Comments

Anti-Semitism documentary on PBS tonight

“Anti-Semitism in the 21st Century: The Resurgence,” will be airing on most PBS stations tonight. It’s on at 10 p.m. in the Richmond area. It covers the history of modern anti-Semitism, then jumps into the swamp that is the Arab … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Television | 1 Comment

Carnival of the Cats #146

Carnival of the Cats starts off 2007 with its 146th episode at Leslie’s Omnibus. Do what Divine Miss Marilyn says and get aboard the omnibus! Let’s not forget the Catmodel of the Week… It’s none other than Missy who wanders … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 1 Comment

Israel and Iranian nukes, continued

Make that three articles published in the last few days. (Registration required. Try this username and password from bugmenot:, bugmenot) Within the next 12 months, the Americans or the Israelis, possibly both, are likely to launch military strikes aimed … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | 9 Comments

Israel and the Iranian nukes

Two major articles have been written in the last few days regarding whether or not Israel will launch a pre-emptive strike on Iran to prevent it from getting nuclear weapons. The first is in the Jerusalem Post. Israel currently has … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | 5 Comments

To lighten your day

It is going to be in the upper seventies here today, and I intend to take the top down and ride in my topless Jeep in, yes, January. That’s right, January. January. My eyes are streaming because the allergy meds … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 8 Comments

On Jefferson’s koran and Keith Ellison

Anne Lieberman has a different take on Keith Ellison’s use of the koran than the media folks do: While supposed “reporters” would leave us to our own devices, no doubt to assume that Jefferson was so prescient that he envisioned … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 56 Comments

The formula

Peace process not broken: ETA This is the AFP headline. By itself it is not remarkable, but the article is related to the latest explosion in Madrid: The political wing of the armed Basque separatist group ETA has said that … Continue reading

Posted in Terrorism, World | 2 Comments

The Israeli press reports what the world press will not

Ha’aretz has an analysis of the current “violence” between the palestinian factions, and calls it what it is: Civil war. “Civil war” is an apt description for what is now taking place in the Gaza Strip. For a number of … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Hamas, Israel | 3 Comments

Zionist propaganda?: Arabs vs Israel

As Ami Isseroff says in this post: Facts speak louder than any propaganda, and they speak to any honest person who wants to know the truth, as this article from Pakistan shows. This article also shows precisely where Israel’s true … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments