Things the tobacco companies wish they could vanish


It’s an old Flinstones commercial, back when they were sponsored by Winston.

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5 Responses to Things the tobacco companies wish they could vanish

  1. Robert says:

    Gotta love the 1950s!

  2. I’m pretty sure it was the 60s.

  3. The Doctor says:

    Oh. My. God.

    [Irony of ironies, seeing this from my clinic office at Major Tobacco Company Headquarters]

    I’m just glad that the fine folks who make feminine hygiene products never got a piece of that action; my childhood is now officially damaged enough…

    BTW the original run of the Flintstones was 1960-1966

  4. Please, Meryl, not you too!

    Leave us, smokers, some space to breath, please!

  5. Snoopy, did I say anything at all to give you the idea that I want cigarettes banned?

    I don’t want them banned. Yet. Grandfathered for current smokers, then banned. No more poison for sale.

    Ex-smoker here. It will be nine years on May 3rd.

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