Israel conducts successful anti-missile test

Great news: The Arrow anti-missile defense system worked under test conditions that mirrored real-world attacks.

According to defense sources, the test was aimed at examining the system’s ability to deal with destroying enemy missiles. This time the main battery, which is supposed to hit the missile, was not placed dozens of kilometers from the test field.

“This test constitutes a step up in the extreme conditions we set for ourselves compared to previous tests,” a defense source stressed. “We are definitely dealing with relevant threats faced by the State of Israel.”

Defense Minister Amir Peretz praised the successful test-firing of the Arrow missile. He telephoned senior defense officials and commended them on the test’s success.

[…] Defense establishment officials expressed their satisfaction over the successful test.

“Everything worked perfectly and this proves that Israel has a system which knows how to deal with the threats faced by the State,” Colonel Moshe Fatal of the Defense Ministry’s Homa anti-ballistic system project told Ynet.

This is wonderful news, especially considering Syria and Hamas have joined Hezbullah in stocking missiles.

According to Fatal, the fact that the test was carried out under extreme conditions examined how the system would deal with a real challenge, and the success was therefore extremely significant.

“New parameters, which were developed in the past few years, were used in this test,” he said. “We are continuing to develop the system. A new launcher was used, for example, in order to accommodate the system to real threats.”

That’s great to hear. Well, unless you’re Hamas and Hezbullah.

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3 Responses to Israel conducts successful anti-missile test

  1. Joel says:

    They are going to need them soon enough.

  2. mrfred says:

    once they’re working, features for version 2: 1) reverse the missle and sent it back to exactly where it was launched, 2) give the missle extra lift and dump it off on the other side of Israel (NEWS: Hezbullah bombing Gaza!) :-)

  3. Tatterdemalian says:

    More like, “Israel diverts Hezbollah missles into civilian areas.” That’s the exact line they used when Hezbollah’s missiles landed in the West Bank, even though such a system is just a sci-fi dream.

    Just upload the Arrow telemetry data to a government database, and let the IDF blow up the source. The international press has already condemned Israel to death, they’re just waiting for an executioner big enough to carry out the sentence.

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