Why 24 is more of a comic book show than Heroes

I haven’t been watching 24 this year because I watch Heroes and I tape Heroes. One VCR, no Tivo, that means I can watch one show and tape another, but I love Heroes so much I’ve been watching it and taping it. And, well, 24 has gotten really stupid. Especially this year.

Like, right now, Jack Bauer is de-arming a nuclear bomb. No, really. Not only can he defeat any kind of superterrorist, but apparently he can also disarm a suitcase nuke. Which was left behind by the terrorists who kidnapped a programmer from CTU and then tortured him into arming the bomb. Because, gee, that always works: In order to get a computer genius to reprogram the whatsit so that it does the thingamabob, torture him.

I’m sorry, just not believable. Which is not to say that 24 was ever really believable, but it’s even less believable than ever.

The only reason I got to see it tonight is because they’re running a double episode.

Not missing the show.

At least on Heroes, you believe a man can fly. It’s the premise of the show.

(Countdown to Jack Bauer fans arguing the premise of the show is that Jack Bauer IS SuperAgent.)

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3 Responses to Why 24 is more of a comic book show than Heroes

  1. subcorpus says:

    i watch both heroes and 24 …
    i like them both …
    if u dwell into the details …
    heroes is not that believable either …
    here is why i think so …

    but both shows rock …

  2. LynnB says:

    The premise of 24 is that Jack Bauer IS SuperAgent.

    (Didn’t want to keep you counting…)

    Actually, the premise of 24 is, if at first you succeed, repeat, repeat, repeat…no matter how boring or stupid it gets.

  3. Iris says:

    I watch 24, and I watch Lost and I sometimes watch Heroes. None are believable. 24, which is supposed to cover a whole 24 hour time period, still does not show anyone having to make a trip to the bathroom. Camels? Given the stuff on the news these days, even that is not believable (or I wish it were less believable) – and I don’t mean necessarily because the media is distorting it – the truth is bad enough. Entertainment should be not-believable as an escape from the real stuff.

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