This week’s Shire Network News

It is up, and my section is on the silencing of Israel’s critics, who are, er, extremely loud, considering that we’ve worked so hard to silence them.

And you know, it wouldn’t kill you folks to let me know whether or not you actually read my posts, listen to my podcasts, or do anything other than load the main page and then take off.

I get the AP and Reuters to change their incorrect description of the Temple Mount, and you ignore it. IGNORE it.

It’s okay. I’ll just sit here. Alone. In the dark.

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8 Responses to This week’s Shire Network News

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    How many Jewish mothers does it take to change a light bulb?

  2. Rahel says:

    Nah, you won’t be alone. Gracie will climb into your lap. Or Tig will. And then one or the other of them will want to go outside, so you will have to get up and turn on the light in order to find your way to the door.


  3. A Steve says:

    Sorry, been very busy at work lately. :( Good work, though!

  4. I listened.I left a comment on the site. And I died.

    -the late ls

  5. Alan S says:

    Thanks for all your good work Meryl. Hearing you speak sense on Shire News is a special pleasure.

  6. Ed Hausman says:

    What can I say?
    We’re ignorant!

    I will continue to comment and acknowledge your unparalleled contributions

    as soon as
    my com

    is oper
    ng proper


  7. Michael Lonie says:

    Concerning those who claim they have been silenced: There have never been so many loudmouths shouting from the rooftops that they are not allowed to speak above a whisper.

  8. Corwin says:

    If you want to be horrified,read USA Today’s opininon page.It has a “Minister and a lawyer” writing on how the Palestinian’s are suffering.
    My take on this kind of crap-as a Gentile and agnostic-is this is frightening.The way America works today is to become a de facto victim,so you can claim damages.There is more and more spinmaking Israel into a bully,with only a relatively few let’s jettison them.Does anyone think if there were no Jewas in the entire world,the jihadists wouldn’t find other targets.Strangely enough,the practicing Christians seem more concerned about Israel’s existence than most.I wonder if this guy is an actual minister somewhere.

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