Abbas to world: Deal with the terrorists among us

Mahmoud Abbas told the world that it must deal with terrorists if it wants to deal with palestinians. I’d say I’m waiting for the world to tell him to take a hike, but I know that eventually, they’re going to cave to Hamas.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas delivered a defiant message to a U.S. envoy on Saturday, saying that the world would have to learn to live with a new coalition between his Fatah movement and the Islamic militant Hamas.

[…] “President Abbas told David Welch that the Mecca agreement was the only possible agreement and the world must deal with it,” Abbas’ aide Nabil Abu Rdeneh said, after the meeting in Ramallah with Welch, a senior State Department official. Abbas is to host Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Sunday and attend a three-way meeting Monday with Rice and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

Meryl’s predictions: The unity government will fail, and it will be blamed on Israel and the U.S., particularly our refusal to accept it as the “legitimate” representatives of the palestinian people.

In the meantime, the EU will start making noises about dealing with the “new” government, Russia will urge the Quartet to do so, and, depending on what day it is, the U.S. will either agree or disagree.

Then there will be another terror attack, which the “new” government will not condemn, but which will be quoted as condemning, even as Ismail Haniyeh praises the suicide bomber.

Best-case scenario: The new unity government collapses before the above can happen.

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One Response to Abbas to world: Deal with the terrorists among us

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    Mahmoud Abbas told the world that it must deal with terrorists if it wants to deal with palestinians.

    I agree. Just like President Bush is dealing with them in Iraq, we should deal with them in Darfur, and Gaza, and Yehuda, and Shomron.

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