Elie Wiesel’s assailant is behind bars

They got him.

The man accused of trying to kidnap Holocaust author and Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel outside a San Francisco hotel earlier this month was arrested today in New Jersey.

Montgomery Township police confirmed that 22-year-old Eric Hunt was arrested at 10:30 a.m. PST. He faces charges of attempted kidnapping, false imprisonment, elder abuse, stalking, battery and the commission of a hate crime.

San Francisco police say Hunt confronted Wiesel, 78, in an elevator at the Argent Hotel on Feb. 1 during an interfaith conference and pulled him out on the sixth floor. Wiesel began screaming and his assailant fled. Police said they found Hunt’s car in the hotel’s parking garage, and Wiesel told The Chronicle that his assailant fled so quickly that the assailant left his wallet and driver’s license in the car.


Hunt’s father, Frank Hunt, 49, said his son called Feb. 9 and asked to be picked up at a bus station in Scranton, Pa., explaining that his car was in the shop. The elder Hunt said his son, whom he had not seen in 11 years, acted strangely, appeared disheveled and did not carry luggage.

His son mentioned nothing about Wiesel, the Holocaust or anti-Semitism in the two days he stayed with him, Frank Hunt said.

What an effing coward. Picking on an old man like that. I’m so glad he was stupid enough to leave behind rock-solid evidence to his identity. I hope he sees jail time.

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4 Responses to Elie Wiesel’s assailant is behind bars

  1. Rahel says:

    Wow. It must have taken great courage for Hunt to attack a man old enough to be his grandfather.

    What a sick creep. What a coward.

  2. Gary Rosen says:

    This could have come out of one of Jay Leno’s “stupid criminals” routines. But then antisemitism is usually a surefire indicator you can’t possibly have a three-digit IQ.

    Antisemitism isn’t about Jews, it’s about antisemites. They are losers who can’t own up to their own shortcomings and failures so they blame it on the Jooos (e. g. Carter losing the 1980 election). We could laugh it off, except that some of these misf*cks run countries with sizable oil reserves.

  3. Tatterdemalian says:

    And if further proof of his cowardice was needed, he was scared off by the old man yelling for help. Scared so bad he didn’t think to get his car and IDs before running away.

    Here’s hoping his new buddies at cell block PMITA show him some more things to be afraid of.

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