Haveil Havalim: The Gotcha! edition

I TOTALLY fell for this email:

Subject: Haveil Havalim #107 is(n’t) UP!

I’m Sorry Folks I Just Can’t Do Haveil Havalim #107

Now I think I’m going to have to get back at Soccer Dad. I wasn’t even going to bother putting up the post, but then I clicked on the link and started reading, and totally fell for YID with LID’s story, right up until I read past, oh, the fifth link.

You are both on my list. And it’s not a good one.

Okay, so maybe I’m a little tired and grouchy this morning. But at least I’m letting my readers know, so they don’t fall for the joke. Like some sucker who writes this blog.


UPDATE: While I truly did fall for the email, I am not angry about it in any way, shape, or form. The use of ASCII smiley faces is strictly forbidden in my blog posts, and sometimes, sarcasm doesn’t come through. Please believe me when I tell you that when I am truly angry about something, there will be no doubt in your mind, and your eyebrows will have fallen off, charred, from the flaming. Okay? All right.

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3 Responses to Haveil Havalim: The Gotcha! edition

  1. Sammy Benoit says:

    Sorry. I was just practicing for Purim

  2. I’m thinking you don’t need any more practice. Your technique is working.

    I’m jealous.

  3. Robert says:

    Is it up or isn’t it? LOL I am so confused!

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