The UN, ready to rip into Israel again

Yes, we totally saw this one coming.

A United Nations anti-racism panel has questioned Israel’s policy on preserving holy sites, asking the country to explain whether it protects places considered sacred to religions other than Judaism.

Israel is expected to go later this week before the panel of 18 independent experts overseeing compliance with the United Nations’ 38-year-old anti-racism treaty a hearing that could fuel the debate over an Israeli construction project at Jerusalem’s disputed hilltop compound known to Jews as the Temple Mount and to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary. The project has prompted protests among Palestinians and others in the Muslim world.

“To date, approximately 120 places have been declared as holy sites, all of which are Jewish,” the U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination said in its list of questions, written before the recent furor over the construction project.

Gee. Does Israel protect non-Jewish holy sites? Let me think. Hm.


I think the answer to that question has been found. But let’s not let facts get in the way of more Israel-bashing.

This committee, by the way, is the committee that brought us the UN World Conference on Racism in Durban, the conference that caused the U.S. and Israel to walk out in disgust at the virulently anti-Israel tone. I fully expect them to show their usual unbiased face to the Jewish state.

Okay, no, not really. Because the UN is one of the most anti-Israel bodies outside of, well, all of the Arab and Muslim governments, and yes, I’m including Jordan and Egypt in that generalization.

I look forward to the report. No, really. It’s going to be fodder for more posts.

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6 Responses to The UN, ready to rip into Israel again

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    Somehow I do not expect the UN or anyone else to bring up the Palestinian destruction at places like Rachel’s Tomb.

  2. chsw says:

    Let’s see – the Palestinian Authority is now in charge of security at Rachel’s Tomb, Joseph’s Tomb, The Church of the Nativity, The Church of the Annunciation, and other sites holy to religions other than Islam. The two tombs have been attacked and vandalized many times. Priests have been assaulted at the churches, as well as the C of N being stormed by terrorists who held priests and some tourists hostage.

    Meryl, you forgot to write “Hey kids, do you know what time it is?”


  3. Alex Bensky says:

    Yes, chsw, but remember the outrage that was sparked by these outrages and the UN sessions that voted to…oh, wait.

  4. Delta Vines says:

    The fact that the UN keeps coming after Israel to be sure they are not actually treating the area as their own…(oops), tells me THEY have never really accepted Israel as an independent nation. Jewish AND Christian sites have been destroyed, and/or had mosques built over them!

    What about all the historical items that were destroyed during the building of the mosque in the Solomon’s Stables area….by the Arabs? It’s a double standard that I surely do not condone.

    Oh, I almost forgot: there are 5 mosques on the Temple Mount, not two. Just a bit more information I thought I’d share.

    Thanks for allowing me to vent! (small smile)

  5. soccer dad says:

    Didn’t you mean Jordan and Egypt?

  6. Yes, I did, and it’s fixed. Thanks.

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