Politically incorrect suggestions to a dying man

Louis Farrakhan may be dying of prostate cancer, but he’s going out the same anti-Semite he’s always been.

“Farrakhan may have held his anti-Semitic views in check while on the dais, but if this is what he wants people to read, then the leopard hasn’t changed his spots,” said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director.

My suggestion for him: Faster, please.

Here’s hoping his successor isn’t a Jew-hater.

And oh, yeah. This post will bring out the trolls. Watch for it. If they slip through moderation, please don’t answer them.

Update: Yep, got one. Here’s an excerpt:

When Minster Farrakhans speaks on Muslim Issues, I don’t hear any of you saying he’s anti-muslim, or Anti-Christian, or Anti-Anything but Semetic, which means a pereson origination from Africa-Black

[…] Slavery was more attrocious than the Holocust, though both were bad.. but slavery’s affects are long lasting, into today, yet the victims of the Holocust do not suffer social, ecconomic, and other long term disgraces.

Yet we can label a man who has raised up Black People to respect themselves, take care of their families, communities and people as Anti-Semetic.

Do you really see and understand how IGNORANT you all sound and seem?

Uh-huh. We did not approve the comment, nor will we. But he’s right. The victims of the Holocaust are not suffering long-lasting effects, what with their being dead and all.

I may have to put the whole thing in a post for all to see.

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6 Responses to Politically incorrect suggestions to a dying man

  1. Paul says:

    Hate continues even in the face of death-a sad commentary.

  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    In Jeremiah, the false prophet Hanania says that Babylon will be destroyed as a prophecy from G-d (knowing that he is telling a lie). Jeremiah says that he will die within the year as a punishment (which he does). As he is dieing, he instructs his family to hide his body until after the year is up in an attempt to “prove” Jeremiah false.

    Evil will maintain itself through the end. The true villain will not repent on his death bed even when he is staring at the flames.

  3. Alex Bensky says:

    Farrakhan’s speech was here in Detroit and at least 30,000 people turned out, including most of the city’s political establishment. The media, without actually quoting anything Farrakhan has said on the subject, politely indicated he’d make comments that “some people deemed antisemitic.”

    Let’s see, the Jews ran the slave trade, Hollywood Jews are committing cultural genocide on blacks, Judaism is a diry religion, God put is in the ovens. I guess I’m sensitive, because yeah, I deem those remarks antisemitic.

    The conclusion I regretfully draw is that while large segments of black leadership may not be antisemitic, they aren’t particularly bothered by it and don’t consider antisemitism to be worth ruining a relationship.

  4. As I indicated here they are saying the Nation of Islam must become more like mainstream Islam to survive, but how can they remain a Black Suprimist organization if they go to an Arab Suprimist faith

  5. Lil Mamzer says:

    Calypso Louie must be a wretched soul, carrying so much hatred in his heart every day. Pathetic.

  6. chsw says:


    Please remember to put the full set of headers and the e-address of the miscreant whose missive you quoted above. That way, all of his friends and neighbors can see what a man (or woman) he (she) is.

    Sunlight causes the bugs under the rocks to scatter.


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