Monthly Archives: February 2007

Show me the questions!

A study conducted by the Geneva Initiative, the people that brought us the Geneva Accord (yes, the ones that failed miserably and were conducted without official Israeli government participation) claim that 46% of the Jewish population of Israel wants the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Comment moderation

Comments have been slipping through moderation with false positives far too often lately, so I am moderating comments until WordPress catches up with the program, or until I get tired of it. I’ll probably be tired of it by tomorrow, … Continue reading

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Your daily dose of humor

This time via Sarah: What tech support would look like when the book was introduced. If you think this is making fun of the idiots who call tech support, you’re right. By the way, it’s Sarah’s second blogiversary, and she … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers, Computers, Humor | 1 Comment

Another gay rights parade nixed

But I think the world is not going to have nearly as many headlines about this one as they did regarding the Gay Pride Parade in Jerusalem. Because it’s not in Israel. It’s in Russia. A top Moscow official repeated … Continue reading

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Gross terrorist leader picture of the month

Dude. A word of advice. Dentist.

Posted in Juvenile Scorn | 3 Comments

On aiding and abetting the Jew-haters

The son of the chief rabbi of Italy, a respected professor at Bar-Ilan University, is one of the stupidest Jews alive. He wrote a book on the medieval “blood libel,” the lie that Jews killed Christian children and used their … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | 6 Comments

Payback’s a bitch

Eleven members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard were blown up by terrorists today. Or maybe “insurgents.” A car loaded with explosives blew up near a bus carrying members of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards in southeastern Iran on Wednesday, killing 11 … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 3 Comments

The blood of your brethren

MUMBAI: The four blasts in Malegaon town in Nasik district were carried out in places of religious significance for Muslims since the perpetrators hoped to motivate the members of the community to take up arms against the Hindu community, an … Continue reading

Posted in Religion, Terrorism | Comments Off on The blood of your brethren

The evidence the Waqf doesn’t want the world to see

The archeological dig taking place near the Mugrabi gate to prevent the destruction of artifacts—which is the real reason why the Waqf and the Muslims don’t want Israel digging around the Temple Mount area—has already brought results. As the controversy … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments

The perfect V-Day video

I have always hated Valentine’s Day. It’s yet another Hallmark holiday that people feel forced to observe. It caused multitudes of horrible feelings in grammar school because back then, they didn’t force us to give valentines to all of the … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn | 1 Comment

Muslim ERA watch

Pakistan is introducing a bill to ban forced marriages, including the ones that use women as a payment to settle feuds. Pakistan’s ruling party on Tuesday introduced a bill to outlaw forced marriages, including under an ancient tribal custom in … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, Religion | 2 Comments

Reading the subtext in the news

How many ways can a news service describe Kim Jong Il as a nutjob without actually saying it or, in fact, referring to it? This many: The negotiation that yielded Tuesday’s landmark agreement for North Korea to abandon its nuclear … Continue reading

Posted in World | 2 Comments

Arrow – a lullaby for the nuclear age

Israel’s latest test of its Arrow missile defense system proves Israel has a jump on its fiercest enemies, Iran and Syria, a senior lawmaker on the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee said Monday. “The test yesterday was exceptional,” said … Continue reading

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This week’s Shire Network News

It is up, and my section is on the silencing of Israel’s critics, who are, er, extremely loud, considering that we’ve worked so hard to silence them. And you know, it wouldn’t kill you folks to let me know whether … Continue reading

Posted in Podcasts | 8 Comments

Why 24 is more of a comic book show than Heroes

I haven’t been watching 24 this year because I watch Heroes and I tape Heroes. One VCR, no Tivo, that means I can watch one show and tape another, but I love Heroes so much I’ve been watching it and … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 3 Comments