Monthly Archives: February 2007

The AP minimizes Judaism’s holiest site

The AP joins Reuters in downplaying the holiness of the Temple Mount to the world’s Jews. Find for me, please, the part in the lede that identifies the Temple Mount as either the site of the two Temples, or Judaism’s … Continue reading

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Your weekly dose of Reuters bias

Watch how Reuters assists the palestinian attempt to remove all signs of Judaism from Jerusalem by ignoring the existence of the Temple Mount. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has spurned a call by his defense minister to consider halting excavations … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | 5 Comments

The new “unity” government

I don’t buy the new “unity” government. I give it three days, max, before Hamas says they’ll never, ever, ever treat with “the Zionist enemy.” Rival Palestinian factions signed a power-sharing accord aimed at ending months of bloodshed Thursday, agreeing … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, palestinian politics | 5 Comments

Your silly video of the day

I was trying to figure out why this has over 322,000 views. Then I watched it. Put down your drinks. Really.

Posted in Humor | Comments Off on Your silly video of the day

The distilled form of evil

Via Mick Hartley. “The disgusting form of evil”. This is how Canada’s former secretary of state for the Asia Pacific region David Kilgour and human rights lawyer David Matas called harvesting organs from unwilling live prison inmates, that seems to … Continue reading

Posted in World | 15 Comments

The shorter Meryl on the Amanda Marcotte controversy

Grow the eff up, and learn how to be responsible for what you write. Failing that, don’t write something that could come back and bite you in the ass. Shorter-shorter Meryl: Don’t blog angry. Update: Looks like they took my … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers | 17 Comments Psychic phenomena, or educated guess?

Toldja so. It took Ahmadinejad only a day to get his message out. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Israel’s excavation work at the Mugrabi gate near the Temple Mount was a “provocative action which would lead to the deterioration of … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | Comments Off on Psychic phenomena, or educated guess?

Syrian dorktator affirms his support for terrorists

So, all those people saying that Israel should sit down and work out a peace with Syria? I’m thinking they’re not working on the same plane as you and I, because the Dorktator has been perfectly clear that he’s going … Continue reading

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Blame the father, not the children

This is wrong. The children of an Austrian rabbi who attended an Iranian conference that questioned the Holocaust have been expelled from their school and told no other Jewish school in Austria will take them, their father said Tuesday. Moishe … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 6 Comments

Jimmy Carter outrage of the week

Because he can’t seem to go a week without insulting Jews: (Image stolen unabashedly from LGF) More here. If this keeps up, we’re going to have to add a Jimmy Carter category.

Posted in Anti-Semitism | 2 Comments


I’m going to let Meryl do the whole song-and-dance routine over the reasons for EATAPETA and such, but I’ve relaunched the website. Two locations are already up, and there’s room for lots more. You can send in locations of gatherings … Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous | Comments Off on EATAPETA 2007

Blogging will be light today due to hottie lunch

I’ll be up in Washington, D.C. most of the day to visit my old pal Bear of TTLB, who is in town for business. And while I’m at it, I got Citizen Smash to join us. In fact, I have … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 6 Comments

Things the tobacco companies wish they could vanish

Wilma! It’s an old Flinstones commercial, back when they were sponsored by Winston.

Posted in Pop Culture | 5 Comments

Free Keith Henson

Longtime readers will know that I utterly loathe scientology, the faux religion that got its tax-exempt religious status by being the only organization in the world that managed to out-harry the IRS. A little reading up on the so-called church … Continue reading

Posted in scientology | 13 Comments

Once again, the lies and the Temple Mount

The palestinians were allowed to completely desecrate Joseph’s Tomb (as well as murder Israelis who tried to stop them, or simply protect the Torah scrolls from the mob). They have destroyed precious artifacts from the Temple area, specifically from Solomon’s … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments