The terrorists do not love their children

The terrorists have upped the ante in how depraved they can possibly be. They’re now murdering children in order to murder more people.

Maj. Gen. Michael Barbero, deputy director for regional operations on the Joint Staff, said Tuesday that a vehicle used in the attack was waved through a U.S. military checkpoint because two children were visible in the back seat. He said this was the first reported use of children in a suicide car bombing in Baghdad.

“Children in the back seat lowered suspicion, (so) we let it move through, they parked the vehicle, the adults run out and detonate it with the children in the back,” Barbero told reporters in Washington. “The brutality and ruthless nature of this enemy hasn’t changed.”

Other U.S. officials said later that three Iraqi bystanders were killed in the attack near a marketplace in the northern Baghdad neighborhood of Azamiyah, in addition to the two children, and seven people were injured. The officials had no other details, including the estimated ages of the children.

Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, a U.S. military spokesman in Baghdad, confirmed Barbero’s account but said he couldn’t provide more details.

The AP, of course, buried this story quickly. It wasn’t Israelis or Americans killing children. Just Al Qaeda in Iraq.


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7 Responses to The terrorists do not love their children

  1. Corwin says:

    My God.I would think any politician commenting on nthe need for “dialog” in the MIddle East should be forced to comment on this.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Let’s be more culturally sensitive. Their peculiar way of loving their children, shall we say by buying them each a ticket to the Kingdom of Allah, is…different from ours.

  3. David Lee Rothmann says:

    I seem to remember sometime in the mid-1980’s when Sting penned a song hoping that “the Russians love their children too”. The gist of the song was that surely the Russians weren’t interested in seeing their children incinerated in a nuclear blast. In light of that fact, peace would surely follow somehow, or something along those lines.

    Sure is frightening to realize we now have an enemy that doesn’t “love their children too” I wonder if the politicians who imagine we can “talk” and “reason” with this enemy understand that we are light years apart, culturally, spiritually, philosophically? Monsters aren’t always tragically misunderstood creatures. Sometimes, they’re just monsters.

  4. That was a Sting song.

    There was also the Golda Meir quote:

    Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.

  5. Michael Lonie says:

    Wasn’t there a case where a palestinian Arab woman used her own baby as cover when she went to a “amartyrdom operation”. IIRC some Zahal soldiers caught her before she activated herself and her baby.

    I wonder if the two children were kidnapped, probably lured into a car by someone they knew so that they would not suspect any danger? In any case it was just about the most despicable act by the terrorists in Iraq so far, and that is really saying something.

  6. michael says:

    Meryl was right in the original post; there is no depravity to which the Islamists will not stoop.

    Unfortunately, they will never love their kids more than they hate us, and so there will never be peace.

  7. Alex Bensky says:

    It is worth remembering that these are the people to whom Michael Moore compares the Minutemen and says he wants to win.

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