There’s irony, and then there’s in your face, mofo!

The best thing about being the number one search result for “Zionist blog“?

It puts me on top of a viciously anti-Israel blogger.

It’s because of this post from 2006 that I almost forgot about writing. (You see, I just take for granted the fact that people can figure out where my stance is regarding Israel in about, oh, one post. Sometimes two, if the one post is a non-political post.)

Update: Check that. He’s a viciously anti-Semitic mofo. Now I like even more that my blog comes up first.

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3 Responses to There’s irony, and then there’s in your face, mofo!

  1. Mark says:

    Why are all these virulently “anti-Zionist” bloggers in Great Britain?

    Gives one pause…

  2. Yankev says:

    The name of Elf’s site, “Jews Sans Frontieres”, is itself an anti-Semitic attempt at double entendre — an allusion to both the “Peace” group Medicins sans Frontieres (Doctors without Borders), which manages to do some good work sandwiched in among its knee jerk pacifism, and to the old anti-Semitic meme about the International Jew a la Henry Ford, and the Jew as Rootless Cosmopolitan a la Brezhnev era USSR propaganda.

  3. And of course, he says he’s Jewish.

    What a piece of shit.

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