The traditional last-minute cleaning

You know, this would be so much easier if only I didn’t procrastinate the big clean-up every time Mom comes to visit.

Well, last time she was here, she washed my kitchen floor because she was unhappy with the job I did.

Fine by me if she does it again.

Blogging will be light today. I’ve still got to finish the living room and the upstairs bathroom, then shower and drive to the airport.

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2 Responses to The traditional last-minute cleaning

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    Chag Kasher v’Sameach

    Enjoy your sedorim.

  2. And to you, Sabba Hillel.

    My closet is full of Passover goodies. We’re going to finish cleaning up tomorrow, relax until Sunday, then get out the Passover dishes, run them through the dishwasher, clean the refrigerator, the pantry, dump the chametz–you know the drill.

    We’ll be north and south for the Seders: northern VA for the first, and Petersburg for the second.

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