Monthly Archives: March 2007

So how dangerous is Indy?

This is, of course, in reference to the inane headline So how dangerous is skunk? byIndy. You would think that this dubious rag that for years propagated its own version of truth regarding cannabis (among other similar “truths”) will recognize … Continue reading

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Why the internet rules

Brian of London just sent me live photos of baby David via Skype. And it didn’t cost either of us a dime in transatlantic telephony. That’s why the internet rules. Plus, David is really cute.

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The real reason behind the sudden “momentum for peace” meme

Khaled Mashaal, the head of Hamas, the organization that has murdered or wounded thousands of Israelis, is in Algeria for something called the 5th International Conference on Qods. Qods is Jerusalem; I expect this conference is yet another gathering of … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias, palestinian politics | 2 Comments

AP anti-Israel bias in screaming evidence

Today’s lesson in media bias: Watch a wire service outright lie to its readers. First up, the Saudi peace initiative, which is essentially dead in the water due to the Arabs’ insistence that Israel agree to it before they can … Continue reading

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This week’s Shire Network News is up

Part two of the interview with Adil Zeshan, ex-Muslim, the usual Blog News, and my piece on why the Saudi 2002 “peace” initiative is a trap for Israel. (Yes, that’s a common theme these days, because the meme pushing the … Continue reading

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No, I don’t know why the site keeps disappearing

I have no idea why sometimes it’s up, sometimes it’s down. I assume it’s a server issue with Hosting Matters, and that they will fix it, as they always do. It just sucks right royally that it’s happening during a … Continue reading

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The “growing international momentum for peace” meme

Have you noticed the new meme in the media? There is a “growing international momentum for peace.” It emerged quite suddenly. Its source? The so-called “unity government” of Fatah and Hamas. What has, in actuality, changed? Nothing. No, not nothing. … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time | 13 Comments

And I was right: No changes to the Saudi plan

I really don’t tire of saying “I told you so” on Israel-related issues, because unfortunately, this glass-half-full girl sees a half-empty glass when she looks at Israel’s prospects of peace. Reuters reports that the Arab League will not make the … Continue reading

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Two AP stories; two conflicting sets of facts

First, we have a story written by Salah Nasrawi, regular AP Middle East correspondent, titled “Arabs Said Open to Peace Offer Changes.” Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister suggested Monday that Arab leaders would be willing to consider changes in their 2002 … Continue reading

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Palestinian peace watch, day two

Let’s just keep track one day at a time. Here’s what the peaceful palestinians did so far today. Palestinian operatives set off a bomb by the security fence near the Gaza Strip on Monday. No one was hurt in the … Continue reading

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There’s irony, and then there’s in your face, mofo!

The best thing about being the number one search result for “Zionist blog“? It puts me on top of a viciously anti-Israel blogger. It’s because of this post from 2006 that I almost forgot about writing. (You see, I just … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers, Israel | 3 Comments

The perfection of the palestinians spokesliars

This is a wonderful juxtaposition. I can’t make this stuff up. First: Abbas to UN chief: PA committed to peace The Palestinians are committed to a truce and a comprehensive peace deal with Israel, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment

And now, time for a little bragging

My “niece” (who is my niece in all but blood) got into Interlochen summer music camp, not an easy place to get into. Here’s a picture that we could call portrait of the artist as a young girl: Note the … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 2 Comments

Jews voting for anti-Semites: The worst of times hit France

When the left abandons you, you will naturally turn to the right, and even to the extreme right. Apparently, the Jews of France have had enough of the socalists who refuse to acknowledge Muslim anti-Semitism, and are turning to the … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, World | 2 Comments

Burying the bad news

The wire services are doing their best to bury the fact that a two-year-old and a four-year-old child were killed by Hamas and Fatah over the past two days. You have to search long and hard to find any notice … Continue reading

Posted in Media Bias, palestinian politics | 2 Comments