Monthly Archives: March 2007

The LOTR in 15 seconds

Yes, really. This guy is great. And you must click on these in order to get the full laugh. The Fellowship of the Ring: The Two Towers: The Return of the King:

Posted in Humor | 2 Comments

A sad commentary on the movie I never saw

Titanic in five seconds. All you really need to know about the plot. (But I confess to a secret liking for the theme song sung by Celine Dion. Hell, I confess to liking Celine.)

Posted in Humor | 3 Comments

This may go on for hours.

Here’s The Passion in 5 seconds.

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And because this guy is funny…

Fiddler on the Roof in five seconds.

Posted in Humor | 1 Comment

A giggle a day

Something to make you laugh. All the Rocky movies in five seconds. Put down your drinks, folks.

Posted in Humor | 2 Comments

Egypt to Israel: No preconditions for you, plenty for us

Egypt insists that Israel must accept the 2002 Saudi peace initiative, which calls for the return of the palestinian refugees and complete withdrawal of all the land taken in 1967, before then being permitted to make any changes to the … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time | 2 Comments

Military morning

Some videos of the IDF in action. First up: IDF Dave sends this video of the end of a patrol near Bethlehem in 2002, at the height of the second intifada. Here, the soldiers meet a group of Palestinian children. … Continue reading

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It seems that Carter’s (almost) trouble-free sailing with his “Palestine: Peace or Apartheid” opus is coming to an end. Here is what another POTUS has to say about this attempt to be universally liked (by the Arab street): Former President … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 5 Comments

Soldiers and their nemeses

The U.S. Army and the IDF have many things in common, and one of them is traitors and moonbats. First, Citizen Smash went undercover at the anti-war rally last weekend, and has four extremely interesting and amusing reports. It’s Smash … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Al Gore and the Moore principle – riding the wave

The whole story circulates too widely to comment on it, after all everyone and his mother in law already spent a few sleepless night waiting for the wall of seawater swallowing his dwelling. And everyone has already discussed with his … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 5 Comments

The apartheid canard: The floodgates are open

Thanks to Jimmy Carter, the world is going to push the “apartheid” canard onto Israel as often and as loudly as possible, starting with the UN Human Wrongs Council, the group which has managed to do almost nothing but condemn … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 1 Comment

British soccer fans: Israel’s all right

A bunch of British soccer fans went to Israel and found that it wasn’t the haven of demons and monsters that the BBC’s been telling them about for decades: English soccer fans in Tel Aviv said they felt more welcome … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 4 Comments

Terrorists to Israel: We’ll trade you Shalit for a bunch of Jew-killers

Hamas will give back Gilad Shalit only when they get back their convicted murderers, presumably to murder again. “If Israel insists on the name of one or more of the prisoners the kidnappers want to see released, the entire deal … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 6 Comments

LOST: The return of the return of the Lost episode summary

[FLASHBACK TO John Locke, depressed and at the Disability office, being asked stupid questions by an annoying bureaucrat that proves once again that Hollywood script writers have zero connection to real, actual working people] [Meryl says: gee, what an exciting … Continue reading

Posted in Parody, Television | 2 Comments

A human reaction by the UN SecGen

Ban Ki-Moon is really starting to grow on me. Check out this video (towards the end) of his reaction to a mortar that landed about 100 meters away. He ducks, looks worried for a second or two, and then recovers, … Continue reading

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