Monthly Archives: March 2007

A must-see

Martin Himel made a documentary concerning the Concordia riots that prevented Benjamin Netanyahu from speaking on campus. The rioters were Muslim students and their allies. Watch, and be angered and horrified. The whole thing can be seen here. Via LGF.

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 3 Comments

Our EATAPETA lunch

Just got back from my lunch with Sarah and the twins. We went to Brock’s, a place we all know and love, and the site of our EATAPETA lunch from three years ago. And we took some pictures. Lunch: What’s … Continue reading

Posted in EATAPETA | 15 Comments

International EATAPETA Day: Lunch

This is your reminder that it’s International Eat A Tasty Animal for PETA Day. Meat and animal products: It’s what’s for lunch.

Posted in EATAPETA | 1 Comment

Saudi arrogance

The Saudi Arabians, who proposed a plan in 2002 that would destroy Israel without a shot being fired, think that since the Saudis proposed it, Israel must accept it—as is, with no changes. Because gee, that’s what negotiations are all … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

International EATAPETA Day: Breakfast

This is your reminder that it’s International Eat A Tasty Animal for PETA Day. Meat and animal products: It’s what’s for breakfast.

Posted in EATAPETA | 5 Comments


Okay. I live about 45 minutes from Busch Gardens, and have been there a number of times. Didn’t go last year for various reasons, but I generally go every year. There’s a new ride that they’ve been building for a … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 4 Comments

Your morning dose of cute

I defy you to watch this video and not laugh. Well, unless you don’t like kids. In which case, don’t click on the link, and, well, go get stuffed or something. How can you not like kids?

Posted in Life | 3 Comments

The poor, poor, rich, rich, pitiful pals

Over and over again, the meme is repeated: The palestinians are starving. They are living on nothing. They have no food, no medicines, no jobs, no money. The boycott is causing untold misery. Every single one of those claims is … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Shmaltz clogs artery

Sorry, but this story calls for a pun: Chicken fat spill closes part of interstate MONROE, La. — Chicken fat clogged a major traffic artery Tuesday, a day after a leaky truck left a stinky, slippery trail along a one-mile … Continue reading

Posted in Humor | 4 Comments

Surprise! Abbas paid Hamas salaries with tax money

Gee. You couldn’t see this one coming. A Hamas source said Tuesday that part of the $100 million in tax revenues transferred by Israel to Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas went to pay security services, including members of a Hamas-led … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 2 Comments

A must-read blog: The House of Apostasy

A blogger who is forced to remain anonymous has compiled a roundup of ex-Muslim blogs, a sort of Carnival of the Apostates, and the excerpts are powerful enough to make you want to read them all. A sample: Now that … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers, Religion | 2 Comments

Media bias, redux

When a palestinian terrorist is killed by Israel, the headline generally reads “IDF Kills Palestinian Militant” or “Militant Killed by IDF.” When they kill each other, the AP writes that the “militant” simply “dies.” Hamas Commander Dies in Gaza Shootout … Continue reading

Posted in Media Bias, palestinian politics | Comments Off on Media bias, redux

The perfect Gracie picture

Every so often, Gracie decides to prove that she is the more photogenic of the two. If I had the bandwidth, I’d put up the original. Tig is in the far background. But this—this is perfection. You can see the … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 5 Comments

Things I learned about working from home

This week, some of the advantages and disadvantages of working from home really started kicking in. Advantage: No commute. You can roll out of bed at 8:15 and be ready to work at 8:30 and plan to shower later. Disadvantage: … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 3 Comments

Poor service no more!

A revolutionary remedy against bad service was invented and tested in Morocco on March 11. A man who was prevented from looking at terror Web sites by the owners of an Internet cafe blew himself up with explosives hidden on … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn, Terrorism | 2 Comments