Monthly Archives: March 2007

Anti-racist anti-Zionists, the end of

This blog is not overly concerned with the goings-on in the rabid and vocal camp of British anti-Zionists. The camp is actually a motley arrangement of tents, each belonging to a different tribe, each tribe fighting all the others simultaneously … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel | 5 Comments

Stupid Daylight Savings Time

Can’t we just have one time, all year, and stop changing the clocks? I like it fine the way it is. Hosting Matters hasn’t caught up with the program, forcing me to change my scheduling times. A post by Snoopy, … Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 4 Comments

The Fifth Annual Intl. Eat an Animal for PETA Day: Thursday, March 15th

Don’t forget, this Thursday, March 15th, is the fifth annual International Eat a Tasty Animal for PETA (IEATAPETA) Day, the day on which we annoy vegans the world over, and PETA, which is right here in my state of Virginia. … Continue reading

Posted in EATAPETA | 69 Comments

Find the symbolism in this act

We all remember the Nutty Karta Jews who made kissy-face with Ahmadinejad at the Holocause Denial conference in Tehran, right? Well, so did this group of Israeli Jews while visiting Poland. They expressed their dislike rather forcefully. A fervently Orthodox … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Holocaust | 4 Comments

Lies, damned lies, and Arab spokesliars

I caught this little item a few days ago but didn’t get to post on it. File under: “Bullshit“. The former head of the Egyptian army’s Operations Branch, General Hassan al-Gridli, claims that during the Yom Kippur War of 1973, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Juvenile Scorn | Comments Off on Lies, damned lies, and Arab spokesliars

Hamas to Al Qaeda: Hey, we still want to destroy Israel! Honest!

You have to hand it to Hamas. The organization will clearly never get the hang of modern public relations. Stung by accusations by Al Qaeda’s Number Two accusing them of having gone soft on Israel, Hamas released these statements: The … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 1 Comment

Churchill and anti-Semitism

There’s a story going around now that Winston Churchill wrote an article in which he laid the blame for anti-Semitism on Jews’ refusal to assimilate. The best account I’ve found is in the IHT: “It would be easy to ascribe … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | 16 Comments

This week’s Shire Network News

Tom Paine takes over the wheel again while Brian tends to that small package (the one that cries and wets itself) that arrived just over a bris ago. Once again, we have truly hit our stride. All the contributors are … Continue reading

Posted in Podcasts | Comments Off on This week’s Shire Network News

Terrortory[sic] briefs

Hamas has un-banned the banned book, which they’ve already pulled from the shelf and destroyed. The Hamas-run Education Ministry on Saturday rescinded its decision to pull an anthology of Palestinian folk tales from school libraries and destroy copies, reportedly over … Continue reading

Posted in palestinian politics | 2 Comments

File under: Not funny

You know, there are certain things that I don’t find amusing, and anti-Semitism is one of them. Apparently, this is not the case for a certain Hungarian Jew. The background: Stories surfaced a few days ago warning Hungary’s Jews (there … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | 3 Comments

Friday catblogging

I see these sights nearly every day, and nearly every day I tell myself, “Meryl, bring the camera upstairs next time you go!” And nearly every day, I forget. But not today. Tig likes to sit at the top of … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 8 Comments

Awesome if true: The Iranian defector has documents

I don’t know how true this is, but if it is, Iran is crapping bricks, sweating bullets, and otherwise extremely unhappy about the general who defected. Because he may have brought with him the smoking gun. Former Iranian General and … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 2 Comments

Commentary’s got a blog

It’s called Contentions, and I love the typeface they used for the name of the blog. In fact, I really like the overall look-and-feel, and the reason I’m noticing this now is that I am currently working from my home … Continue reading

Posted in Media | Comments Off on Commentary’s got a blog

Jimmy Carter, outrage redux

Just when you think Carter can’t become any more of an asshole, he lowers your expectations and proves you wrong. Now he’s telling Jews how to be Jews. He said that yesterday while insisting that his redefinition of “apartheid” to … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 16 Comments

Pass on “300,” please

When the New York Times leads with this in the film review, I think that, added to the “this movie has really graphic violence” meme going around, will lead me to pass. “300” is about as violent as “Apocalypto” and … Continue reading

Posted in Movies, Pop Culture | 4 Comments