Monthly Archives: March 2007

More blood libels

What a surprise: Given half a chance, Arabs accuse Israelis of another massacre. Only this one is utterly false. Ben Eliezer provided a detailed explanation to Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram of why the reports were erroneous. “In the past few days … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time | 2 Comments

Flying pig moment: Arabs take responsibility for violence

Of course, the Arabs taking the responsibility for the violence aren’t the ones actually causing it, well, except for the ones funding the Sunni or Shia terrorists in Iraq, but still: Holy crap! The Iraqi government is responsible for defusing … Continue reading

Posted in World | 4 Comments

Crazy dictators, like clocks, are right once in a while

Libyan dictator Muammar Ghaddafi of the many-spellings last name says he won’t attend the Arab summit meeting because it’s a waste of time. Libya won’t attend the upcoming Arab summit in Saudi Arabia, the Libyan foreign minister said Sunday, adding … Continue reading

Posted in World | Comments Off on Crazy dictators, like clocks, are right once in a while

Yemen and terrorists: Why bother?

Yemen has charged 35 suspects with taking part in foiled suicide attacks on oil facilities last year. But why bother even going through the charaged of charging them? They’re only going to be set free when nobody’s looking. A hundred … Continue reading

Posted in Terrorism | 1 Comment

Regarding that “fortess mentality”

The King of Jordan says that Israel must make a choice: Jordan’s King Abdullah II said Friday that Israel must choose between the mentality of “Israel the fortress” or “living in peace and security with its neighbors.” Nowhere in the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 4 Comments

The ISM: Hand in hand with terrorists

Yesterday, the ISM joined other “internationals” in celebrating the 38th anniversary of the founding of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine. This Friday the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine will celebrate its 38th anniversary in the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 3 Comments

Five years on

Today is my baby brother’s birthday. That would be the brother with the teenaged son. We are not getting any younger, but Alex is getting older. He’s about ready to start driving. Yikes. Dave’s birthday coincides with my Hebrew school … Continue reading

Posted in Teaching | 1 Comment

Egypt turns a blind eye to terrorism

Against Israel, that is. Hundreds of Hamas members are being smuggled across the Rafah border terminal to Egypt to attend advanced terror training camps in Syria and Iran, senior defense officials told Ynet. However, the delegation of European inspectors stationed … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 4 Comments

A sunny day in Richmond town

It isn’t quite spring, but it’s in the 70s here today. And Tig is enjoying it, muchly. That is my happy boy.

Posted in Cats | 4 Comments

Terrorist sympathizers “protest” in Bilin

This week’s protest in Bilin wasn’t your ordinary protest against the security fence. It was also a celebration of terrorism. You have to hand it to the ISM peace creeps and their ilk: They have no shame. 600 people took … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Terms of Use

All those litmus tests in the neighborhood reminded me that I need to bring my old Terms of Use page into the modern era of this blog. So here are the terms, slightly updated. And for your information, yes, some … Continue reading

Posted in Blasts from the past | 1 Comment

Ahmadinejad called me the devil

Yes, that’s right. The president of Iran says I am the true incarnation of Satan. Damn. I had no idea I was this powerful. What’s that? He meant “Jews,” not Zionists? Well, I’m Jewish. What’s that? He meant “Israelis,” not … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 6 Comments

The Fifth Annual International Eat a Tasty Animal for PETA Day

I’ve been remiss, but Lair hasn’t. PETA Is Full of Crap has been back in business for weeks. March 15 is IEATAPETA Day, or EATAPETA Day, whichever you prefer. Here’s the history. A funny post by Lair on why you … Continue reading

Posted in EATAPETA, Israel | 4 Comments

The son of a rabbi aids the rabble of Jew-haters

I told you, the moment that book hit the presses, that it would feed into the insane Jew-hatred that suffuses the world. I said the David Dukes and the Jew-hating Muslims would leap on it as an authoritative source, proof … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 3 Comments

Ahmadinejad blames Israel and U.S. for world’s problems; world yawns

So, gee, I am shocked, shocked I tell you, to hear The Man Who Would Be Hitlerblaming Israel and the U.S. for all the world’s problems. And where did he say this? In Sudan. Sudan. The irony of the moment … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 2 Comments