The true apartheid in Israel

Here’s a hint: It isn’t in Israel. It’s in the territories.

Jerusalem, Israel (AHN) – Two Palestinians were arrested last week after it was revealed they had sold a house to Israeli Jews living in the area of Hebron in the southern West Bank.

One of the suspects was arrested in neighboring Jordan, while the Palestinian Authority in Jericho took the other into custody.

Under an old Jordanian law that has been maintained by the Palestinian Authority, both men face the death penalty for having sold property to Jews.

When a group of young Jews moved into the unfinished house on March 19 they sparked an international uproar amid claims they had illegally usurped the property.

At least two local Palestinians came forward claiming they were the legitimate owners and decrying the actions of the Jews.

However, Hebron Jewish Committee officials told Ha’aretz on Saturday that the arrest of the real former owners fully legitimizes their claim to the house.

In a written statement, the committee also noted, “The arrest exposes once again the anti-Semitic nature of the Palestinian Authority.”

Gee. Ya think?

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One Response to The true apartheid in Israel

  1. Cynic says:


    Sigmund, Carl and Alfred have the correct perspective on “apartheid”:

    “When the Israelis build a fence to protect themselves from suicide bombers and those who choose to celebrate such events, it can be referred to as an ‘Apartheid’ barrier, because it is a barrier built to keep the institutionalized hate and violence that define apartheid, out of their society.”

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